chapter 15

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I blinked away the tears and saw Lucas. His face didn't show a hateful expression, instead he looked concerned.
"What happened to you" he asked, his tone hadn't changed.
"Nothing, nothing happened" I say and run apast him.
I couldn't tell him. All guys were the same. All men wanted to hurt me.

Lucas pov

I was heading to class when I felt a body got mine. I was about to shout at the idiot who dared run into me but then I saw  it was only Riley. I was about to insult her when I noticed the tears she was trying to blink away. Who the fuck made her cry?
Ok yes, I had been unnecessary cruel to her but I hated the fact mum left us because of her.If she hadn't been born, I would have a mother.
Mother probably spoilt her whereas I had to grow up with dad giving us orders and Sebastian making sure we did as we were told.
Sebastian showed so many traits father had growing up but they seemed to dissapear once Riley came, he was only like dad 80% of the time now instead of 95% of the time. I suppose that's one  good thing about her.
"What happened" I asked, I still didn't like the fact someone did this to her. I'm the only one who can insult her.
"Nothing, nothing happened" and she ran off. I didn't know what to do. Do I follow her? Do I give her space?  I bet it was Blake. I hated the fact no one but me saw a problem with him.
In the end I decide to give her a little space and ask her tonight.

I should not have run away.
I should have stayed with Lucas. He may be cruel but he wasn't like this. He wasn't  him.
The gym teacher.
I shuddered thinking about what he did. At first he apologized for hitting me and then.....

The day passed slowly  and I was greatful for the sound of the last bell ringing....until I remembered I had detention. I shuddered as the memory of earlier came to flashing back.
I headed to his office for detention, only I saw Lucas in the corridor. He approached me making me stop. I suppose less time in detention is better "ever have a detention before princess" he asked putting enthasis on the word 'princess'. "N.. no s...sir" I realized my mistake as soon as I said it. He gives me a little glare but nods "let's go" I follow him not knowing where he was taking me to until we reach his office. He knocks and the gym teacher comes out "hi  Mr Sparks, sir, I just wanted to let you know that I think gym is pointless. And you suck at teaching, the worst in the school. Even miss Hudson thinks you're a awful teacher" I was shocked at Lucas's words before Lucas could continue Mr Sparks shouts "detention now"

I was beyond grateful when I realized Lucas had gotten a detention on purpose.  I made sure to sit as far from Mr Sparks as possible but it wasn't much help, he would look at me with his disgusting full eyes and a smirk. "You can continue your detention tommorow" he said to Lucas and I internally screamed. "Sure, I need to wait for Riley though so I think I'll remain right here" I breathed a sigh of relief.
Mr Sparks looked annoyed but went back to grading essays. Nothing else was said from him and it was obvious how annoyed he was.

Finally the bell rang signalling end of detention. Lucas and I left the room and walked in silence to the entrance of the school.

Noah had come to pick us up this time, Lucas started mumbling about needing his car back. "Detention, really Lucas. Ive been trying to get you and Sebastian talking again but calling your teacher those names, it was stupid and irresponsible" Noah spoke and I found myself moving slightly so Lucas was in front. "As for you Riley, I hope you learnt your lesson" I nod "I did sir". I couldn't help the use of sir when I was scared and Noah gave me a deadly look when I called him sir. "Good, let's get going"

The car ride was awkward. I was sat in the back trying to block out Noah and Lucas argueing. Lucas wanted his car back, Noah refused to talk to Sebastian about it .

I was glad when Noah parked the car, I had enough of the argueing what was beggining to turn into shouting.  It reminded me to much of  Kevin.

"Living room Riley" Noah spoke as I entered "you too, Lucas" he continued and both me and Lucas entered the living room where we found Sebastian reading through some paperwork.

"Take a seat" he said and put the papers to the side. "So you both had detention tonight. I hope you learnt  your lesson Riley" he starts and I nod but when he gives me a look which tells me he wants a verbal response, I try my best not to stutter "yes sir" it comes out as a mumble but he seems satisfied with my anwser as he moves on "and you Lucas, what the fuck were you thinking, Do you know how hard it's been keeping you from being expelled. The only reason they are allowing you to stay is because of football. Now you go insult the coach" he practically shouted. Lucas rolled his eyes "he was annoying me" Sebastian scoffed "so you decide to risk getting expelled. Fuck sake Lucas, you're in your final year, you can't be doing shit like that. Both of you out of here. I don't want to see either of you till dinner"  Lucas was quick to leave but I hung back, I knew the only reason Lucas had a detention was because of me.
"What is it Riley" he asked when he realized I wasn't leaving just yet.
"Lucas... he got the detention for me, sir." I tell him hoping to get Lucas out of trouble. "I don't care, he is facing being expelled now.  I swear if you start causing anymore problems then there will be trouble" he replied.
He was just like him.

"You said you weren't like Kevin, you are exactly like him" I say, knowing he wasnt exactly like him.
I walk out of ther room and head to the stairs that lead upstairs. His words stop me though "how dare you, have I ever hit you? Have I deprived you of food? No I haven't. You're turning into a bit of a bitch. Dont you ever say that again or I might just let you see what a monster I can be"
He walked off after that, leaving me feeling both guilty and afraid.
I should never have compared him to Kevin.

Yes I was hard on her but how dare she compare me to him.
I would never beat my siblings...well not like he did. In the gym we often fight with each other but that's different, that's training  and it's never to the point what Kevin did to her.
I don't know the full story, I don't even know what he did. I just know he abused her.
Sure I threatened her about getting into trouble but it's not like I plan on beating her black and blue. No. I know it's hard to realize not everyone is going to beat you, but she needs to realize we aren't.
Yes I was frustrated with Lucas, he had been in trouble so much other the years and each time I had been called in to discuss him being expelled, I had managed to convince them to let him stay. My main argument had always been he excelled at sports but now he had insulted the coach. My annoyance and anger onlyh changed to frustration when I found out he purposely did it so Riley wasn't alone, I actually found that nice of him and I was glad he was starting to act like her brother. I wasn't a idiot, Lucas would never get himself into detention just so the other wouldn't be alone. I had to do some research. I just hoped his reason was because Riley had never been to a detention before.

I will find out.

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