chapter 43

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Noah was fuming as he took Lucas upstairs, he had a firm grip on his arm, not enough to hurt him but enough so he couldn't get free.
"Get the fuck off me" Lucas shouted but Noah ignored him and pushed him into his room.

Lucas glared at Noah as the door to Lucas's room was shut.
"I've had enough of your behaviour" Noah snapped. He was done with the bull shit. He was done with all the secrets. It was the only way everyone would move on especially Riley and Sebastian.

"Screw you" Lucas shouted and pushed Noah but it had little effect.
"I suggest you shut up and listen to me" Noah warned, his tone was deadly and almost similar to Sebastian but at the same time it was far from being like Sebastian.
No one in their right mind would want to get Sebastian angry. He truly was the monster that he believed himself to be.
When Sebastian was truly angry he would turn sadistic, maybe even a little insane, he blocked out his emotions, his feelings, he ignored whatever relationship he had with that person.

(A/N should I have Sebastian become sadistic and a monster, glimpses have been seen but I'm thinking a few chapters of him being like this)

Thankfully Noah was better at this. He had only the deadly tone and expressions. He was sane when he was angry which meant he was thinking.

"You are being a total idiot. You are scaring Riley,  you are blaming everything on Sebastian. You are being reckless and acting awful' Noah started using a calmer voice.
"Come on Noah, you know Sebastian treats us like we work for him and not his brothers"
Noah sighed, he had a point but Sebastian had always been cold with them even as a child.
"Sebastian has always been like this but he does care" he replied.
"I wanted a mother and that bitch took her from me."
Noah couldn't help it, within seconds Lucas was clutching his face, Noah had just hit him.
"Do not call her a bitch" Noah said and Lucas nodded. He had never experienced  a hit from Noah before, unless they were training but training didn't count.
He was pissed though, he hated that Sebastian had given him rules, had treated him like shit and then Riley comes along and he won't even raise his voice at her.

"It's pointless talking to you, you're still drunk so you are going to stay here and sober up" Noah said not wanting him to forget everything.

A few hours later

Riley was sat watching TV, Sebastian was in his office, Noah was in the gym taking his frustration out on a punch bag and Lucas had just woken up.

He felt rough and had no idea what had exactly happened, he remembered getting home, shouting at Sebastian but he couldn't remember what it was about and he remembered Noah hitting him.
He decided to get a drink of water to make him feel better.

He didn't expect to see Riley crying when he walked past the living room. He looked around, wondering where Sebastian was. He rarely left her side so he would be back to handle it.
But after a minute, he wasn't back and Lucas couldn't do nothing so he walked in.
"What you crying for" he asked sitting down.
"This film is so sad"
Lucas found himself feeling relieved it wasn't serious.
"Are you sober" Riley cautiously asked not wanting to be alone with him.
"Yeah I barely remember anything so I'd like to apologize for my shitty behaviour"   Lucas said and for the first time they both looked at each other, Riley gasped as she saw Lucas's cheek.
"What happened" she demanded.
Lucas didn't know how to anwser. "Oh must have passed out and hit my face" he thought his lie was believable. It had to be. Riley didn't need to know what had actually happened.
Riley wasn't dumb, she knew the type of bruise that a hand made and this was one.
"Bullshit. Who did this"
Just 4 words but it reminded Lucas so much of Sebastian.
"I can't remember, must have gotten into a fight before I came home"
He wouldn't be telling her anytime soon.
Riley had seen him when he came back, he had no bruises, or even redness, but Noah was pissed, did Noah do this?

Before she could question him again Sebastian and Noah walked in, Sebastian had come to check on Riley and Noah had just come from the gym and followed Sebastian in.
"I see you're up" Sebastian said knowing Lucas had been sleeping it off. Riley turned to Sebastian and Noah and glared at them, Lucas couldn't look at his brothers, he kept his head turned.
"Riley drop it" Lucas said once he saw she was about to say something.
"No I will not drop it" she refused to let it go.
"I was drunk , I got into a fight with some guy on the streets"

"Bullshit. Noah did you hit him"

Sebastian was confused but waited for Noah to anwser.
"He was being a prick I lost my temper" Noah admitted, he did appriaciate Lucas lying when he saw Riley's face.

Sebastian said nothing. He walked over to Lucas and made him look up.
He inspected the bruise on his cheek, thankfully nothing was broken.
"What the fuck were you thinking Noah. He was drunk, which is no excuse but he wasn't in his right mind"
Lucas was suprised at Sebastian defending him.

"Yeah well he was being a total dick. I tried to ignore his behaviour but he pushed me into it" Noah defended himself.
Riley had no idea what to think. She couldn't forgive Lucas for everything he said especially how he had treated Sebastian.
But she didn't believe he deserved to have a massive bruise forming on his face.
"I'm fed up with both of you" Sebastian sighed. His brothers were hard work.

Sebastian was well aware he had hit Lucas the day he brought his friends over and got drunk, he was definitely a hypercrite but he was annoyed with both of them.
"Lucas I have a meeting with the school about your behaviour, you better hope they don't kick you out or you will be going to boarding school with a rehab facility. And Noah, I will handle Lucas's behaviour from now on" he declared.
"Okay" Noah replied, he wasn't about to get on the wrong side of Sebastian.
"Fine but if I leave I want background checks done on all teachers and students" Lucas compromised. He may not be the best brother, in fact he was a shit brother but he was not leaving that school without knowing for certain Riley wasn't in any danger.
Sebastian nodded, he had already done that after he found out about the gym teacher.
"Now here is what's going to happen, Lucas and I are going to go out tommorow, Noah and Riley you will spend time together" Sebastian told them.
Riley wanted to protest she really did, but Lucas needed to see Sebastian was good and hopefully he would tommorow.

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