chapter 96

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Noah gasped at what he saw.

Dozens of letters, some hand written and some letters had been cut out and stuck down.

He flicked through them reading them. Each worst then the last.

Letter 1
You think you can have the life you always wanted. You can't. You are nothing and when the brat finds out what you have done and who you are, she will see what I see, a monster.

Letter 2
Don't ignore me Sebastian, you are a monster. Monsters shouldn't be having fun.

Letter 3
Tell her what you did Sebastian. Tell her or I will.

Letter 4
You didn't tell her, you had your chance.

Letter 5
I'm going to kill her, show your family who you truly are or I'll kill them all. I'll make them know it's your fault.

Noah stopped reading at this point, he was pissed, how dare someone threaten them, mostly Sebastian.

"What did you do Sebastian"

"You know what I did, what I have done and what I do" Sebastian hated what he had done to the people who had crossed his father, granted they were criminals but he hated he was the one to do it.

"Sebastian who wrote these" Noah asked.

Sebastian was watching Noah carefully for a reaction.

"Father. Who else" Sebastian anwsered with hatred.

"I thought you killed him years ago. Why is he back. I mean I know now he's alive because he's in the basement at the warehouse" Noah said hoping he would get Sebastian to open up.

"He abused me Noah, as much as I wanted to kill him I can't. Im too weak.  I tried and failed but he did leave, only he came back to town a bit ago, started threatening you guys, I ignored it at first because I could never tell Riley, she knows too much already, then it got worse and the death threats kept coming so I figured if you all hated me then you would be safe"

"Why didn't you tell me Sebastian I could have helped you"

Sebastian looked away, he couldn't ask Noah for help, it was his job to protect them all like he has been doing all his life.

"Letter number 8" Sebastian had thought about telling Noah until he got the 8th letter.

Noah quickly flicked through them till he found the one he wanted.

If you even think about telling Noah, I will torture him in front of you and tell him it's all your fault. In fact I'll force you to put him out of his misery.

"Sebastian" Noah whispered in shock.

Sebastian just nodded "I couldn't take the risk, I may have hurt you all especially Riley but the alternative would be so much worse"

"But we could fight him, we have him in our basement we could have done that weeks ago" Noah said.

"He has people, if he was working alone then yes we could but he isn't alone"

Noah ignored Sebastian's dislike for physical contact and pulled him into a hug "we will fix this Sebastian, together"

"But this is my problem"
Sebastian hated that he would have to put Noah in danger if he helped so he was against it.

"No it's our problem. Now you are going to go eat dinner and I'll have a word with Riley. We are getting our family back and we will be happy" Noah said sternly.

"The kids are right, you're basically a mother" Sebastian muttered which Noah smiled at. Even if it was just a comment it was a glimpse of Sebastian getting better.

"Do you think she will hate me forever, I said some fucked up shit to her" Sebastian asked with worry.

"Why were you worse to her" Noah asked .

"Because it's Riley, she couldn't handle herself agaist father If he came after her. He threatened you and Lucas but you can handle yourselves. I need her to hate me so she wouldn't get tortured, so she wouldn't get turned into a killer like us. So she would be safe"

Noah understood, Sebastian may have said some stuff but it was all to protect her.

"When she mentioned father that night, I got so angry, I was anxious, if she had mentioned him maybe he had found her, maybe he was going to carry out the threats he made, there are so many against her and so I threatened her" Sebastian had tears falling from his face by this point.

"What did you tell her" Noah asked.

"I basically said if she wanted to talk about father then we would talk about Kevin the basement and his friends, and then I threatened her if she ever spoke about father I would take her back to Kevin and his friends. I called her a burden and told her to stay out of my way. I really didn't mean it to get that far but I was frustrated, it's no excuse but I..."
Sebastian couldnt finish his sentence he just looked away in tears.

"Fucking hell Sebastian" Noah cursed, it was going to take a lot to get them back.

"Maybe it's best I stay out of the way, if I stay and fix the problem then leave, you three can have a much better life without me"

Noah glared at this "absolutely not. You are staying, we will fix it. Riley needs to know why you did it, you don't have to go into detail but she deserves the truth" Noah said.

"I agree, maybe we should both go" Sebastian said and Noah nodded.

The brothers then left the room, Sebastian was nervous, he knew she wouldn't forgive him but maybe this could be a turning point and he could spend the rest of his days making it up to her.

He felt just as bad as their father and probably Kevin. Kevin had abused her but he had done so much worse, he had told her he would send her back to the monster who hit her, who locked her up, who no doubt said vile stuff to her.

He would never forgive himself but he looked for a positive to this all. His siblings were safe. Riley was safe.

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