chapter 91

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"Sebastian what's going on" Noah asked as he sat down next to Sebastian.
"Nothing" Sebastian replied.
"Hmmm well you say nothing but I know there is" Noah was desperate to know so he could fix the problem.
"Just leave it alone Noah, some things you don't need to know" Sebastian said coldly and stood up.

"Sebastian don't walk out. It's just us, you can tell me, no one else will know"

Sebastian turned and coldly glared at Noah "nothing is going on, I'm just a monster"

Noah hated how Sebastian thought "bullshit. You are not a monster"

"Don't you get it Noah, ive always been like this, my behaviour with Riley was an act. I don't care for her, she's family though so I let her live here but she means nothing. I just decided enough was enough with that stupid act of mine"

Noah sighed, Sebastian had spoken like this the other day too. "I don't believe you. You didn't have to do half the stuff you did for her but you did. You may believe you're a monster Sebastian but I don't and I think Riley being here gave you a fresh start"

"I'm not the good guy Noah, just stop trying"

Noah thought for a second as he followed Sebastian out. What came to mind wasnt ideal but maybe it would bring Sebastian back. "If that's the case, you're a danger to her, I will file for guardianship"
It seemed to have some effect on Sebastian as he turned to face Noah.

"Don't do that" Sebastian whispered.

"Then stop this behaviour or tell me why. I don't buy the whole 'this is who I am'. Lucas and I know you can be like this, you were like this all the time growing up but Riley she doesn't need this"

Sebastian couldn't though. He just turned and left for the front door but Noah was percistant.

Noah followed along, until he stopped from shock.
"Sebastian" he worriedly said as he looked at his brother with concern.

The worry in Noah's voice made Sebastian turn "what is it"

Noah noticed that although cold there was a hint of emotion in his voice but there wasn't any time for that.

"You're bleeding Sebastian"

Sebastian looked down and almost cursed. He thought he'd taken care of it. "Oh yeah, the wound from yesterday must have opened up. One of the guys tried to fight back. Stupid really"

Noah knew not to pry further "want me to take a look at it" he asked.

Sebastian shook his head "I'm good" and with that he left.

Noah didn't know what to do, he decided to let Sebastian go for now. he might have decided not to pry but that was more on the bleeding. If Sebastian wouldn't tell him, he had to find out himself.

Noah had noted the glimpses of his old self in the conversation, when he told him not to get guardianship and when Noah had said his name with nothing but sorry.

It proved to him that Sebastian was still there and something was going on.

He decided to do something he shouldn't and would never do again. Everyone respected each others privacy but Sebastian was going down a dark path and he needed answers not just for him but for the safety of Lucas and Riley.

Sebastian may be acting like his old self before Riley but there was something different this time,  he was mostly heartless with his brothers growing up but now with Riley this was a whole new level.

He went up to Sebastian's room and entered it. He shouldn't be doing it but he knew it was for the best.

Everything seemed normal, at least at first. Sebastian still had his laptop out, open which was suspicious. Noah decided to have a quick look only he had changed his password which Noah grew even more suspious of.
He continued to look around, looking at the books in case any were misplaced. He noticed the lamp wasn't on the nightstand and when he went round to the car corner he noticed why, Sebastian must have thrown it as it was in pieces.

And then Noah saw something shocking, something he hoped he had the wrong idea about. He knew he couldn't ignore it though, even if he was jumping to conclusions. He needed to confront Sebastian about it. This would change everything if what he saw and thought was actually true.

He left the room taking one last look at what he had seen and shuddered. He hoped he was wrong but thinking more and more about Sebastian he knew there was a good chance he was right.

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