chapter 56

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So again, just a warning lots of violence in this chapter, but also some cute scenes to make up for it.

Sebastian looked on at his 'work' feeling happy at what he had done.

A bloody, bruised woman lay at his feet,there was no doubt that she did have several broken bones. The most noticeable thing though was she was missing her fingers on one hand and her entire right hand was missing.

It was safe to safe Sebastian had gone all out.
The woman begged for her life so much and Sebastian would usually have chopped his victims tongue out by now but he needed her to talk.
She refused 5 times.
Each time he removed a finger.
By the end of the first hand and when she refused the 6th time, he got so pissed off he chopped off her entire hand.

Pools of blood covered the floor and was splattered on the walls, the woman was covered in blood after many non lethal stabs.
Sebastian had also played one of his favourite games with her.
How many bones in a human body.
He got bored of that though, her whiny voice begging him to stop irratated him so instead of cutting out her tongue which he wanted to do, he punched her in her throat, not enough to permanently damage her talking but enough to silence her. He then took a lighter and set both her legs on fire, both legs were severely burnt.

All in all she was a mess, he grinned menacingly as he went to find more weapons for round 2.


Riley and Lucas had gotten the milk and a few snacks, Lucas had seen how on edge Riley was and made the decision to get snacks. He knew they didn't need milk and that his brothers wanted them out of the house.
Riley wasn't handling it well she would ask about the boys and what they were doing.
Each time Lucas would answer that it was a adult conversation.

Finally as they left the shop Riley couldn't help but ask the question she wanted the answer to the most.
"Is she going to take my back to Florida"
Lucas scowled at this. The hell she will

"No Riley, she wouldn't dare. I mean Sebastian is like a mama bear and your his cub. No one wants to face a bear. Mind you, Noah is probably the same. And if that's not enough reassurance, I will call the airport and report a potential threat so they will be forced to stop all planes leaving and then I will come get you"

Riley laughed slightly at Lucas's words.
"You're stuck with us little one" Lucas said trying out a new nickname. He wasn't a fan but he saw Riley scrunch her nose up and since it annoyed her he started to love it.

"Now how about we go get food and brain storm threats" Lucas said.

They were sat eating food when Noah messaged for their location, Lucas gave it him and they continued talking.

They had both bonded over the love of judging people, Riley didn't realize how much she liked it. She hated judging people but Lucas had started and it was so entertaining that she joined in.

It wasn't like they were being awful.

It was just hard not to judge a woman wearing a bright yellow skirt with blue walking boots and a bright orange coat.

They had also come up with stories for some people like the man in a suit who was going over a business deal whilst ordering.

They both agreed he was more of a workaholic than Sebastian.

Lucas spotted Noah walk in, he didn't look happy but Lucas was determined for Riley not to see that.
"How about that guy" Lucas asked and pointed to Noah. He hoped that if she saw a more comical side to Noah's expression then she wouldn't take his annoyance serious.

"Well I'd say he is  very  annoyed because of a business deal that got denied. He's on his own so he doesnt have kids" Riley said. This was a very family friendly place, there was lots of families with kids around.
"Who doesn't have kids" Noah asked as he overheard the last part
Lucas laughed and Riley joined in. "You" Riley eventually said after they stopped.
Noah was still annoyed but he didn't let it show "I have you two, you're both enough" Noah replied. "Us? We are angels" Lucas pretended to be offended. "You gave me enough grey hairs these past few days to last a lifetime" Noah said and sat down next to Riley.
"Or until you go bald" Riley muttered and Lucas burst out laughing.

Noah smiled, he was glad Riley was comfortable enough to insult him and  he wanted to laugh but he wanted to mess with her first.
"Why you little..."  he said and started to tickle her. She laughed and Noah loved it. He knew the pain she had been through and Riley deserved to laugh, she deserved to be happy.

"Stop" Riley managed to get out. Noah stopped straight away not wanting to carry on now that she had told him stop.

After the laughter died down Riley spoke up "where's Sebastian"  Lucas was also curious about their brother's whereabouts.
"Sebastian is just finishing up the meeting with Sandra" Noah replied, it wasnt a total lie, it was just not exactly true.

It definitely wasn't true.

Whilst the three sat eating, across town Sebastian had finished the second round and Sandra was barely concious. She had slipped unconscious a few times and each time Sebastian threw a ice cold bucket of water on her.

You could forget two burnt legs now. She only had one left. The other leg had been thrown into the corner.
More blood, more scars and more burns.

"Give me a name" Sebastian ordered but still got no answer."

"Round 3 it is"

Round three went quick, Sebastian continued the game of how many human bones in a body after he burnt her face. As long as she could talk and give them a name he didn't care about the other damage he caused.

And she did.

"I don't know his name, he said to call him Frank but I don't think that's his name"

"Anything else"

"I'll give you some time to think about it"
Sebastian was only giving her time because he wanted to inflict more pain and he knew Noah would want a turn.

He went back up and the men that were scattered around the ground floor stared at him or backed away, some were shaking. They knew not to mess with Sebastian when he had just come up from the basement but this time it was different.

Sebastian was usually clean when he tortured his victims, he was methodical so he tortured them badly but rarely got blood on himself. This time he was drenched in blood. He was too angry to care, he had really out done himself this time and the dark sinical part of him was pleased with himself.

Sam, one of the oldest members decided to approach Sebastian. As he walked towards Sebastian, the others looked shocked.
"Boss" Sam causiously said.
"What is it' Sebastian didn't want to be bothered yet he was.
"I swear you better speak before I shoot you" he continued, he was getting impatient.

"Well I was just wondering if you want us to do anything with the woman downstairs' he asked, he knew she wasn't dead, Sebastian liked to torture his victims for days until they begged for death and each time he would deny them the chance to die.

"Make sure she doesn't die" Sebastian said. He didn't care too much if she died, he just wanted to cause her more pain.
"Yes boss, if you are heading home, maybe you should change first" Sam suggested. He half expected to be shot, especially when Sebastian glared, but then Sebastian looked down at his suit and saw how much blood was on it. He didn't say anything, instead he walked off and headed upstairs to his office.

Ever since Riley came back into his life he  kept a spare suit in his office just in case things got a bit out of hand.
He didn't want to scare Riley, his brothers were used to it, the three of them grew up this way and despite Riley's rough upbringing she was still innocent and he wanted to keep it that way for as long as possible. If he had his way it would be forever but he knew the chances of that were slim.

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