chapter 65

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Lucas had finally been given his driving privileges back so Noah had convinced Sebastian to let Lucas take Riley, he was hesitant but agreed but he did warn Lucas about driving safe, he knew Lucas would but he still worried .

Sebastian and Noah decided to get an early start on work so headed off straight away, Noah was going to their legal business today whilst Sebastian went to collect their monthly reports/ overview of mafia stuff.

Sebastian arrived and straight away he got respect, everyone stopped what they were doing and all conversations seized to exist. "Carry on" he ordered and went down the hallway.

"Are you ever going to stop that, you're not royalty" Jacob said as he joined Sebastian.
Sebastian smirked "it's not like I order them to stop what they are doing, they just do" he said
"You could tell them it's not necessary, what's next, will you have them bowing" Jacob retorted and Sebastian rolled his eyes "don't be ridiculous, now bow before your boss"  he said in a playful tone. "Anna isn't here though" Jacob couldn't help tease.

Jacob and Anna were twins, Jacob was Sebastian's 3rd in command and he considered him a good friend. He had known them since he was a child as their parents worked for his dad,  his dad didn't allow him to have friends so they never really spoke until after his father and they all quickly became friends.

"I gotta say Sebastian, I'm loving this new you. When do I get to meet her" Jacob asked. Jacob was aware that Sebastian was new to teasing but he could tell he was enjoying it.
"Meet who" Sebastian acted oblivious.
"The lovely young girl who changed you"
"My sister doesn't know about this part of my life so not for a very long time" Sebastian said.
"I won't tell her" Jacob tried.
"I'll think about it" Sebastian said although he had little intention of thinking about it.
Jacob knew this and rolled his eyes "well I suppose I'll get you the monthly reports"


Lucas and Riley had gone their seperate ways but Lucas still kept an eye out for Liam. Now that he had Sebastian's permission, he was going to prove Liam was bad.

Lunch time soon came and he found a seat in the dining area next to Harry, Peter and Sam, they weren't exactly his friends but they spoke often in class and one of his teachers had Harry catch him up with work he didn't have so Harry had invited him to sit with them, it was purely out of manners, he didn't expect Lucas to agree but he did, Harry didn't regret asking though, Lucas didn't seem as bad as people say.

He watched his sister and her friends from the corner of his eye, he saw Blake say something and Riley laugh. Then all of a sudden Clara hugged Liam.
Why the hell is she hugging him
Lucas didn't like Liam one bit and the thought of Riley around him made him annoyed.

There was nothing he could do though, he would confront Liam soon and he would get the truth out. In the meantime he decided it would be in his best interest to pay less attention to them, he probably seemed like a creep always watching.

"We hate him too"  Lucas looked round and a boy and girl was stood behind him. He recognised them from a few classes.
"Why" Lucas asked.
"He's not good enough for our sister, can we sit" the boy said, directing the question to the table.
"Sure" Peter anwsered.

"So are we breaking them up"  Sam asked the table.
"They aren't even together" Lucas said but when he glanced over it was obvious that they were together.
"No let's just leave them" he replied, he planned on moving up his confrontation.

There was something he didn't like about Liam and hd knew he had to go. He didn't want his sister or any of her friends around him.

The conversation drifted to them and they started to all fully get to know each other. Which was good as Lucas needed friends.

At the office Noah was swamped with double back meetings he needed Sebastian but he knew Sebastian was also very busy, after getting the reports he had several meetings in different locations.
So Noah was left to do these, he was trying his best but it was hard. He knew Sebastian could easily do it by himself so he was determined to do it on his own. Sebastian could multitask anything so this would be a walk in the park for him so asking him for help wasn't an option.

He knew he needed help though and so he decided to out source some of his jobs to Miles, Miles was a friend he had grown up with, they had gone to school together and unlike Sebastian, Noah and Lucas did socialise, they just didn't realise Sebastian paid the price.

Half an hour after calling Miles, he walked into Noah's office like he owned the place. "I still don't get why you don't ask your brother" Miles asked as he sat on the sofa with a bag of crisps. "Because he has alot to do himself and I don't want him to do everything besides he's in meetings himself" Noah explained.
"Fine. What is it you need doing" Miles asked.
"I need to go to a meeting in conference room 67B but then straight after I have one in 21H can you go to that one for me please, any important decisions will be in a file so really you're just there to supervise and I have so much paper work to do"  Noah said, he was stressing out and Miles saw that so he picked up half the files on his  desk "go to your meeting and I will do these and then go to 21H" Miles said. Noah smiled "thank you, you're the best" Miles rolled his eyes "you can repay me with food" Noah smirked, Miles was constantly eating and  Noah had learnt long ago not to mess with him whilst he was eating.
"Fine, I'll get you something after, I've really got to go though. Just don't blow my office up whilst I'm gone"

Ok so I decided to show this chapter with Sebastian and Noah with friends, and Lucas getting knew ones.
They do still see there friends but they don't come over because they are still unsure about Riley's reaction however I want them to start healing fully so friends are a must. It's not written well so I apologize for that, hopefully next chapter will be better.

I miss writing Riley and Sebastian so hopefully I will have them in the next chapter again this has been split into two parts so currently there is no Sebastian and Riley hopefully it will make sense to add them later

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