chapter 87

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Just a quick warning it gets graphic/violent towards the en, not much though.
I always forget to do warnings but going to try do them from now on

"Noah she's gone again, I went to check on her when I saw she wasn't downstairs and then she wasn't there" Lucas said in panic as he walked into Noah's room, he didn't even bother knocking as he was panicking way to much.

Noah opened his eyes, he had only been awake a few minutes and hearing Lucas freak out wasn't helping. "shut up, you will wake her she's here" Noah whispered.

Lucas looked at Noah and sure enough, Riley was asleep against him. He smirked as he got out his phone and took pictures of how cute they both were.

"Is she okay" he asked becoming serious again.

"She will be,  Sebastian needs to get his act together though. It's effecting her wellbeing" Noah said as he looked down at her.

"Well you know, you're the only one who can get him back" Lucas commented.

"We can talk more later, I don't want her to wake up and hear us" Noah said ending the topic.

It was true what Lucas had said, Sebastian and Riley understood each other but with how young Riley was, Sebastian would never go to Riley about this, he may have spoken to her about the abuse before but it was different this time.

Once Lucas left, Noah decided to get up,they had slept quite a bit it was almost lunch time.

Riley stirred as he got up. "Sshh go back to sleep Riley, you are safe okay"  Noah reassured her and Riley closed her eyes again.

Noah smiled but the worry never left him. He went to his closet room and made sure the door was shut fully before quickly changing.

Riley was still asleep when he went back into the bedroom, he didn't want to leave her but he knew he couldn't just watch her so he left the bedroom and went downstairs.

Lucas was nowhere to be seen and neither was Sebastian. He needed to find out what was going on with Sebastian, he had been patient but now his behaviour had to stop.

He saw a note on Sebastian's desk when he went in his office.

If you are looking for me Noah which I know you will be, I'm at the warehouse, I will be back later, have Riley read this section 8

Noah looked down and saw a law book, he flicked through to section 8 and saw a whole chapter on the laws of drinking. He couldn't help but smirk as he realised the pettyness Sebastian had.

He grabbed the book and walked out.

When he got downstairs, he saw Riley was up and he smiled "hey Riley did you sleep okay"
"Yeah thank you for letting me sleep in your room"

"Your welcome. I need to go out but Riley Sebastian wants you to read section 8"
He replied and gave her the book.

"Why does he even have a law book, I know you guys don't exactly follow the law"

"It's always good to understand the law, besides we do legal stuff too. Sebastian owns companies, he needs to know the laws surrounding his businesses"

"Okay" Riley opened the book and saw it was about drinking.

"Listen Riley I know we might come across as hypocrites telling you off for drinking when we do worse but that's only because we don't want you to go down the path we did. I don't know how much Sebastian had told you but we are criminals because we were brought up to be them but you Riley haven't, we don't want you becoming like us, we want you to have a normal good job and a normal life. We don't want you to be like us"

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