chapter 68

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Lucas woke up and quickly realised the time, he started to wonder why his brothers hadn't woken them up. It was almost 1pm. He saw Riley was still sleeping and for a moment he just laid there until thoughts of last night and what she had said came to mind.
How dare that piece of shit.
He slowly got out of bed not wanting to wake Riley up.

Meanwhile downstairs, both Noah and Sebastian had taken the day off, they couldn't decide who should stay home, they didn't really need anyone but just in case something happened they knew someone should stay. So they did their work at home, business meetings went alot faster and more efficiently, there was no traveling back and fourth between different floors.

Sebastian muted the online call when Lucas walked in looking pissed. Noah ended his phone call, he hadn't seen Lucas this angry in years.

"Lucas" Noah started.
He ignored Noah and gave Sebastian such a hateful look. Sebastian decided to end the call completely so he typed that there was a family emergency and he would get back to them before ending the call.
Lucas was smart enough to not mention murder whilst his brothers were on calls.
But when they both ended them, he didn't hold back.

"What the hell Sebastian, I thought you were suppose to protect her. I swear to god if you haven't killed that son of a bitch I will. How fucking dare he. Why the hell didn't you find her sooner. I'm going to kill him, I'll torture him first and then I'll kill him slowly"

Sebastian and Noah looked at each other then back at Lucas.

"What do you mean, who hurt her? I swear I will kill them" Sebastian said standing up, he was ready to go kill whoever messed with her.

"Kevin that's who. Why was she with him? How could he hurt her" the last part made Lucas'voice crack.

Sebastian sighed. He knew, Riley must have told him last night.

"I didn't find her sooner because father would have killed her and I thought she was living happy with mum, I didn't want to ruin it by bringing her into this world" Sebastian confessed.

Lucas accepted this, he wasn't angry at Sebastian , it was Kevin who he wanted to kill.

"Sit down Lucas" Noah calmly said.

If she had told him, they might as well clear some things up.

"I don't want to sit, I want to kill him" Lucas said.
Both brothers understood his anger.

"Enough we are taking a trip to the third floor, if Riley comes down she doesn't need to hear what I'm about to say" Sebastian decided.
Noah and Lucas complied and they all went to the third floor.

"What did Riley tell you" Sebastian asked, Noah was now sat besides Lucas and Sebastian stood in front of his brothers

"That he hurt her everyday and she tried to stop him" Lucas said.

Sebastian was angry...furious, no he was beyond that. No words described how angry he was.
"I have known for quite some time, I have been lenient with her because of her past. He abused her Lucas and I have taken care of him. He will die but first I am having him tortured. Everyone in prison won't stand up for him either, they all know he has my initials in him and no one defies me"
Sebastian explained, he calmed himself by thinking of Kevin dead.
"Is he in pain" Lucas asked.
"Yes and one day he will be killed I just want him to suffer first"
"What exactly did you do to him" Noah asked.
"I broke bones and I beat him up, and reminded him how much I control him, how worthless he is, how disgusting he is" Sebastian's anger was building, so much do that he got out his phone and sent a message to have Kevin sent to the infirmary.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you Sebastian, I was just so angry" Lucas said.
"And we understand your anger. I once told you, we could never have a relationship like I do with Riley, this is one of the reasons. She's been though so much and I don't want her hurt again"
"I understand now. I promise I won't hurt her again" Lucas replied.
"You know Sebastian, we could take him on our business trip" Noah suggested.
"What about Riley, she can't come, he needs to stay" Sebastian said.
Sebastian saw the look of sadness on Lucas' face and he felt a little guilty.
"I'll bring you back a souvenir though" Sebastian added.
It was the least he could do.
Lucas knew these business trips were mafia related. Why else couldn't Riley go.
"When are you going" Lucas asked.
" Next week" Sebastian said.
"Yes , we are going to spend some time as a family at the weekend and then we are off so we want you to watch Riley. We won't be gone long, just a few days" Noah said.

After the conversation they headed back down. "Go get breakfast Lucas" Sebastian said and sent Lucas off with Noah. Instead of going with thrm he went and checked on Riley.

She woke up minutes after he came and so she caught him watching her.
He smiled "how are you sunshine" he asked.

"Better now I've slept. Oh god, its the afternoon, why didn't you wake me"

"Well you and Lucas looked adorable, we jus didn't have the heart to wake you"

"But school. Wait Lucas, oh god. I told him. Well he asked and I confirmed, but I was trying to tell him and I couldn't and now he knows" Riley said in panic.

"I called in said there was a family's emergency, as for Lucas, it's okay" Sebastian said.
"Is he angry" Riley asked.
"Yes but not at you, he's angry at Kevin"  Sebastian couldn't lie, Riley would know as soon as she saw Lucas he was angry.
"Yes Riley"
"He won't take his anger out on me, will he"
"Absolutely not. He would never ever do that. Come here Riley" Sebastian said firmly, he hated Kevin so much , she had questioned if Lucas would hurt her because of all the pain Kevin had caused her.
Riley slowly walked over and Sebastian instantly wrapped her in a hug, Riley needed it badly. Sure she had been hugging Lucas but Sebastian provided comfort Lucas couldn't.
"May I ask why you didn't come to me when you couldn't sleep" Sebastian asked, fearing he did some wrong.
"Because when we talked last night you looked exhausted and I didn't want to disturb you, you needed sleep and not to be worrying and comforting me. I saw Lucas' light was on so I thought I'd go to him" Riley explained.
"You're not mad about me coming to him are you" she added.

"No I'm not mad, I'm glad you went to one of us, if you don't want to be alone, you can always come to us, day or night. And Riley just because I'm tired doesn't mean I don't have time for you, you can come wake me up I don't mind. If you need me in the middle of the night please don't think you are disturbing me. You are more than welcome to come to me whenever you feel you need me. I don't care what I'm doing, you are more important"

"I don't like that I am" Riley said

"How come" Sebastian asked.

"Because what you are putting me before you" Riley started.
"Because it's my job to take care of you" Sebastian still didn't understand what she was getting at.
"Yeah it might be but you can't risk your health. You needed sleep, you looked like you were going to pass out the other night and the stuff you do is important, you can't just drop everything for me. I will come to you in the future but Sebastian you need to take care of yourself more"

"Myself" Sebastian mumbled.

He was definitely confused. Why would he do that? He didn't have time, he had his brothers and sister. He couldn't take time for himself.

"Yes Sebastian yourself, you are just as important"

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