chapter 63

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"are you sure there is nothing" Lucas asked Sebastian as they waited for Riley.
"Yes he doesn't have a past, I know you don't like Riley having boys as friends but I can assure you he doesn't have anything in his past, he's just a regular teenager" Sebastian reassured Lucas.

Lucas had gotten out of class and met Sebastian who was waiting for Riley and Lucas. He had decided to ask Sebastian about Liam.
"It's not about that, they are fine. I've decided until they hurt Riley I'm not going to do anything but I don't trust Liam"
Sebastian didn't know what to say, he had done background checks on everyone at this school after the gym teacher and no one seemed a threat.
"Why don't you trust him" Sebastian asked.

"I don't know, he's just got one of those faces I guess, there is something about him I don't like"

"Lucas just because you don't like him doesn't mean he's dodgy"

Lucas rolled his eyes and he glanced towards the entrance, students were coming out and he hoped to spot Riley.
And he did.
With Clara, Liam and Ben.
"Look there he is" Lucas said gesturing towards Liam.

Liam was laughing at something Clara said and it annoyed him. His face in general annoyed him. Riley was smiling though so that made Lucas smile, she deserved to be happy.

"Looks like a normal teenager"

Lucas however didn't like it one bit and when he hugged Clara he wasn't happy at all so he went over.

Riley noticed and expected him to say something about her and Blake but she was suprised when he glared at Liam.
"I don't want to break up whatever you four are doing but we should be getting home soon Riley" Lucas said and Riley nodded "I'll leave you to say your goodbyes" and Lucas stepped away .

It was Riley he didn't want around Liam after all, right?

Riley came up to him after saying goodbye and he smiled "good day" he asked and she nodded "it felt like torture though, classes were so boring" Lucas laughed at this. 

As they walked towards the car park, Tony came up to them and smirked "I'd wish you good luck with the drugs but you won't stick to it, you probably won't even graduate" it hurt Lucas that his friends didn't believe he could stop especially Tony, his closest friend.
"I think you're the one who won't graduate, you don't even attend your classes" Lucas retorted.
"The only reason your still in school is because of your dumb brother"
This got Lucas angry, no one insults his family especially not Sebastian.

Despite the argueing in the past, Lucas was loyal to Sebastian and he would always defend him if needed. Now that they were starting to get along he felt the need to protect him even more.
"My brother is not dumb how dare you call him that"
"He is, he's dumb, stupid and weak" Tony mocked as he realised that family was a topic that would make Lucas snap.

"Clearly you have never read a book, stupid and dumb are the same" Riley said, by now a crowd had formed which meant Tony was pissed because of all the people she had said that in front of. It also meant the crowd had peaked Sebastians curiosity and he had wandered over so he had also witnessed what Riley had said.
Lucas was having a proud brother moment but it had to stop "Riley you can't say that, it's too confusing for him.  I don't think he knows what a book is" Lucas said.
"You both have no value here" Tony said which made Lucas roll his eyes, "neither do you"
"Go run of to your dumb brother" Tony snickered but Lucas was fuming.
"I'll say this once more. You do not mess with my family. How fucking dare you call my brother dumb. He. is. Not. Dumb and he definitely isn't weak"
Lucas snapped and Tony laughed.
Riley didn't like how he laughed either "stop talking about my brother like you know him. You don't. You know nothing"

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