chapter 55

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Ok so just a warning, there is a bit of violence in this mainly at the beggining and towards the end

As soon as the front door was shut and Lucas and Riley were gone, both Noah and Sebastians expressions changed.

Noah and Sebastian worked well together. Sebastian was cold and calculated, he caused pain in the places it would hurt the most, Noah didn't think as much but he was alot more calmer then Sebastian.
He was usually the one to tell Sebastian to stop. But this time, Noah was not planning on holding Sebastian back.

"Tell me, why does it matter that my sister allows her brother in her room" Sebastian asked, he loved to play with his victims before he inflicted pain.
He would taunt them, insult them anything that he thought would mess with their head and then he would inflict the worst pain imaginable.
"It's not appropriate" the social worker said crossing her arms, she wasn't scared, in her mind their anger right now was enough to take Riley away.

"Did you hear that Noah, it's not appropriate"
"Oh no, I suppose that rules out us going into her room, I mean we are two grown men after all" Noah said dramatically.

Sebastian rolled his eyes at Noah's dramatics. He decided to continue it though, he wanted to draw this out as long as he could.

"And here I was thinking cuddling my sister was appropriate" Sebastian said as he rolled up his sleeves.
"Cuddling? How could you? That's so inappropriate" Noah replied as he took of his suit blazer.

"I'm sorry you both feel I'm being unfair but I don't trust you and I still need to see Riley's room, I need to make sure it's liveable"
This sent Sebastians anger through the roof.
"Liveable? You want to make sure her room is up to standards. What exactly are you trying to accuse me of"

"Neglect, child endangerment, abuse"

"Really, you think I would hurt my own sister. Do you think I would abuse her, how about starve her or torture her. No I wouldn't but I tell you who did. Her fucking step father. Where was the concern for her when you were dealing with him. Did u not care to check her room then. I guess not because she was still there. You did nothing then, you let her suffer and now that she's better you want to hurt her."

Sandra started to shake, Sebastian's tone was murderous and filled with the promise of death.
"I didn't know" she whispered refering to the abuse.
"Of course you didn't because you didn't check. No, you let her be abused for years, you didn't give a shit about her when she was being abused but now you want to take her away" Sebastian said with anger.
Noah allowed Sebastian to say whatever he needed to say before he jumped in but it was hard. He made himself busy and grabbed a bottle of whiskey and poured himself and Sebastian a drink.
Sebastian laughed menacingly as he knew what noah planned.b"please tell me that's not the good whiskey" he said as Noah handed him a glass. "Nope, I wouldn't waste that on her"

Sebastian stood back with the glass in his hand and let Noah have some fun.

Noah finished his glass and with a wicked smile he walked towards the social worker, he grabbed her arm preventing her from moving and poured the bottle on her.
"You know her stepfather was an alcoholic" Noah stated as he looked at the woman who was drenched in alcohol.
"Do we have a lighter" he asked Sebastian who was watching and enjoying the show. "no. We are not doing that to her" Sebastian said after a moment. Noah was shocked, did Sebastian really want to let her go.

Sebastian walked forward and grabbed her bag, he pulled out her phone and handed it the woman.
"Sebastian" Noah said, victims usually weren't given their phone.

"Call whoever you work for and tell them Riley is happy and safe, whatever investigation you are running needs to be closed"  Sebastian ordered. He was thinking more logical now, if she went missing it would easily be connected back to them and another social worker and probably the police would be round. He needed to stop the problem instead of create a bigger one.
The woman had insulted Sebastian.
Had not checked in with Riley and let her be abused
Threatened to take Lucas and Riley away from him.
She had to go.

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