chapter 58

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Ok this is going to be a emotional chapter, writing this note  after I wrote the chapter 😭 tissues are a must

Sebastian confronted Noah in the kitchen, he was staring outside with tears running down his face.

Sebastian didn't really know how to proceed but once Noah saw him , he quickly wiped his tears "I'm fine" he quickly said. "I mean, she's safe, she's with us" he continued. Sebastian nodded and allowed Noah to continue "you should have seen her when I picked her up from the station, she's changed so much and that woman wanted to take her back"  a tear fell down his face but Sebastian still waited, he wanted Noah to get everything out before he acted. "Please tell me you tortured her, she deserves to die, how could she? Riley deserves so much more" Noah  finally broke. Sebastian silently opened his arms and Noah silently walked to Sebastian and accepted his offer to hug.

Both brothers hugged each other, they both truly needed it, it had been years and in that moment they both broke down in front of each other. 
"I'm sorry I wasnt around to be a good brother and to help raise Lucas or raise you" Sebastian confessed.

"No Sebastian, you didn't just raise Lucas,you raised us both and although Riley is a teenager now you are raising her too. I helped but it was you Sebastian. I'm sorry I couldn't help you more"  Noah confessed.

"You were just a kid, it was my responsibility, you shouldn't have had to do everything you did" Sebastian said.

"Sebastian do you hear what you're saying, you were just a kid too, you shouldn't have had to be the one to cook and clean up when we were going, I know you protected us from father , you shouldn't have had to do that. You did our chores, you made sure we did well in school. You even got custody of us when you were old enough, you didn't have to do that, we are also all grown up and you still take care of us, You are the one that raised us, you might have been gone alot on jobs for father but you always came back, you might have been cold and distant but you still made sure we had everything. Sebastian you are the most important person in my life"

Tears fell down Sebastian's cheeks as he heard this. He smiled sadly, he didn't realize Noah saw all that in him. But then guilt hit
"I came up to check on you, this should be about you not me"
Noah shook his head "Sebastian I'm angry yes, but I trust you took care if it, I just didn't want Riley to catch onto my anger"
"See here is another example, you came up to check on me, you didn't have to but you did" Noah added

"You're my brother" Sebastian whispered.

"And you're my brother" Noah whispered.

A moment passed of them just stood in the kitchen hugging, both with tears down their eyes.
"You have been taking care of me since I was 6 years old, I love you Sebastian"

"I....I love you to Noah. I appreciate everything you have done"

"And I appreciate you a whole lot more. I know you think you don't matter but trust me you do. I couldn't have done anything without you. You matter Sebastian, you are my brother and you mean everything to me"

Sebastian was too shocked to speak instead they silently hugged each other once more.

It must have been at least 15 minutes before they parted.

"Thank you Sebastian, for everything"

"And thank you Noah, I couldn't have done much without you"

They both smiled sadly at each other and began to wipe their faces, taking it in turns to splash water in their face.

Sebastian couldn't get the whole speech Noah gave out of his mind. He remembered him saying that he knew he protected them from their father.

"Hey Noah" Sebastian causiously said.
"You said you knew I protected you from father" Sebastian started, not knowing how to word it.

"I mean yeah, you would make us hide in a locked room, there was shouting and I dread to imagine what else"

Noah had his suspicions but he didn't want them to be true, he knew father was a sensitive subject for Sebastian.
What he had confirmed though was that Sebastian hid them from the shouting and their father turned him into a monster.
Noah and Lucas were turned into soldiers but not Sebastian.

He didn't even want to go there when it came to asking the question he suspected.

"Yeah that was it, he had a temper" Sebastian was relieved Noah just thought it was shouting.

He wanted it to stay that way.
No one had to know.

But Riley knew ...

She didn't know the details though, if he told Noah it would only end in details.

"Sebastian I'm always here, if you want to talk about father then please come to me"

Sebastian eyed Noah, he wasn't stupid, at this point he knew Noah suspected.

"What you're thinking it's true but I'm not ready to talk about it yet" Sebastian whispered.

Noah's eyes widened. He didn't want it to be true. How could he have let Sebastian go through all that alone. Why didn't he confront him sooner.  No. It can't be true. No. Noah wanted so desperately to deny the truth but everything started to add up.

Noah didn't waste a second and pulled Sebastian into another hug
"I should have known, I could have helped you"

"No. This is my burden not yours" Sebastian was adement on that and Noah quietly hugged him. He knew Sebastian wasn't ready to talk more so instead they hugged.

When Sebastian was ready, he would be there. He would always be there no matter what

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