Chapter 4- Home

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While riding a taxi to Busan, I couldn't avoid gazing at the places we were passing by, my eyes flickering with excitement while trying to familiarize the sites and some notable spots I could remember during my childhood. But all the time, I got distracted by the faces of BTS plastered in every building and almost everywhere. From Seoul to Busan, everything is about Bangtan Sonyeondan!

"How come I haven't known JK's popularity for many years? What was I doing in New York while JK was doing his concert in America..." I shook my head, disappointment creeping up my chest while feeling regretful and blaming myself for not knowing about it earlier.

Suddenly, my phone's ringtone broke the silent ride and shook me out of my thoughts. I realized it was the first call I received after arriving in Korea, my unhappy thoughts slowly getting replaced with agitation. While the sound of the endless ringing echoed in my ears, my reluctant hands never moved to reach the phone inside my bag.

Nervously, my dark orbs gestured towards my bag. "Who is it? Did they find out where I am already? There's no way my father wants me back!"

Curiously, I took out my phone and hesitantly forced my eyeballs to look at the caller's ID before lazily answering the call, a feeling of ease washing off my fear after knowing that it was Lily.


""WHY?!" an angry, high-pitched voice retorted, making me flinch and stretch my hand away from my ear. "Hey! Why did you go home without telling me? You said we should meet each other in Rome before we go home together! How can you betray me like this?!"

"How did you know that I went home?" Despite her exasperation, I was unaffected and honestly not concerned about it.

"Min Ho."

"Ah," I chuckled, almost wanting to tease her. "So you guys have bee texting each other without my knowledge, huh? Is he pursuing you already?"

"Lee Shanshan!" She hissed one more time, my hand taking the phone further away from me. "I told you before that I don't want to date guys who are younger than me."

"You're just a year older than him. What's wrong with that?" I scoffed at her while leaning my head on the half-rolled window, a gust of wind hitting my face. "Not because you learned that he has feelings for you doesn't mean that you should just ignore him."

"Shanshan, seriously whose side are you on?"

"No one. I support both of you," I sneered.

"Whatever. Yah, I'm flying there tomorrow. You better pick me at Incheon."

"I can't." My smile faded as I immediately rejected her. "I'm on a short vacation."

"Vacation where?"

"Home. I'm going now. Bye." Before she could answer, I ended the call and leaned back on my seat, my eyes remaining still outside the window while different things passed in front of my view.

Lily Choi... I met her at an exposition in France two years ago. We became friends since then. A sweet girl with sweet laughter, her tall and slim body attracting anyone who passed by her. She was outgoing and fun to be with, except when she becomes scary- but cute- when you unleash her temper. Although she was three years older and more experienced than me in photography, I liked to treat her like my own age.

The surrounding was starting to get dark while the sky glowed golden orange when the car finally came to a halt. Silently, I got off and took out my luggage. I let out a deep exhale before looking at the old abandoned house, its dark shadow towering over me. I clutched on my sling bag before pulling my luggage with me.

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