Chapter 14- Just A Dream

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The sound of chirping birds and burbling water woke me up from my slumber. I tossed and turned for awhile before opening my eyes and finding myself lying inside a tent, covered with a warm camping blanket. "I don't clearly remember what happened last night, yet this is the best sleep I had."

All I knew was that I was talking to Jungkook in the car on our way home last night. I yawned before pushing the blanket off me, only to notice that I was wearing a bunny sleepwear instead of my clothes yesterday, yet I ignored it and drowsily went outside, looking for Jungkook.

The bright light from mister Sunshine welcomed me, making my eyes squint. It took me for a while to adjust to the environment until I could finally see clearly, spotting JK with his back against me, singing to himself while grilling meat. I smiled at him as he made a quick glance at me. I love it when we don't need to speak and just feeling the presence of each other.

We were beside a river and forested mountains surrounding us. I inhaled enough fresh air and admired the view before finally approaching him.

"Good morning."

"It's already noon," Jungkook corrected while continuing to turn the tasty meats above the burning charcoal.

"Really?! How long did I sleep? I didn't plan to sleep that long."

"It's okay. You should compensate for the sleepless nights you had," my best friend picked a small piece of grilled meat with a thong and blew it lightly before feeding it to me. "You must be hungry right now, Miss Sleeping Beauty."

"I thought you said before that I'm ugly." I commented before taking a bite.

"I called you Sleeping Beauty today because I thought you would never wake up."

I rolled my eyes and continued to chew.


My eyes widened from the taste and I nodded. The meat was well-cooked.

"I'm best at two things. Performing and grilling meat." He sliced the air with the food thong and made a perfect wink.

I scoffed at his action while I kept my hands in my pocket. "I admit you're good in everything, golden maknae."

"Thanks." Jungkook smiled.

"Except for tying his shoelace."

I felt him glare at me but I ignored it. He started picking all the beef from the grill while I followed him to join the food on a small table.

We ate without talking, just enjoying our food and appreciating the nature around us. After that, we decided to rest on the grass close to the river with a can of soda.

"How did you find this place?" I began to ask, glancing at Jungkook who was comfortably sitting with his arms behind him and his legs spread.

"I just googled it. I needed a place like this for healing." He watched the river current while I wondered how deep the water was.

"If you needed a vacation, why did you have to take me with you? You know that I'm supposed to be in my gallery right now."

"Oh come on. You need a break too. I also asked my members, but everyone went home to their families... and having company is better than going here alone."

"Is that why you kidnapped me?" I took a sip from my can and grinned at him. Although I still had tasks to be done in the office today, I was thankful that my best friend took me here.

"I was trying to tell you last night but I noticed that you fell asleep. I guess you were really tired last night that I had a difficult time waking you up. Don't ever call a taxi if you are drowsy or exhausted."

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