lan xichen x depressed!reader 🍵࿐

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▶ Requested by no one

▶ Slight angst and fluff

▶ Gender neutral because I have done so many female readers-


[Y/N] looked down at the red string tied to their ring finger. 

'Just cut it.'

'Whoever is your soulmate doesn't want you..'

'Cut it.'

'Do it..' 

Their [E/C] eyes glanced over at the knife siting on the desk. It was so close. So close. A voice-more like voices, snapped them out their dark thoughts. They looked up and out the window to see some cultivators walking along the streets. 'How strange..' They thought. Their dead [E/C] eyes stared down at the people in white, blue, black, and red. 'Why are they here? We have no need for them..' 

Their eyes rested on a man who was next to another man in white and blue. The male they were looking at was a little taller than the latter and had a nice warm aura around him while the slightly shorter of the two had a much colder aura to him. But they weren't looking at the mans face. No. They were looking at the red string tied around his finger. The red stood out against all the white and blue. 

Their [E/C] eyes widened. Only they could see the cursed red on this mans finger. Sweat started to drip down their pale face. (I'm sorry if your darker toned but in this you will be pale from lack of sunlight, food, water, just overall not healthy. Depression ain't fun *peace sign* ahaha If you need help please talk to someone you are close to. I know other authors will say that you can always talk to them and I mean you can talk to me if you want but I suck at this type of stuff so- also this obviously why I have a therapist friend and I'm not the therapist friend-) 

They backed up from the window and closed it shut. They put their back against the wall and slowly slid down. They put their hands on their head as they curled up into a ball underneath the now closed window. [Y/N] just hoped that he hadn't seen them. 


Lan Xichen just so happened to glance up and see a person standing in a window. They had sickly pale skin with [H/C] hair. He could faintly see a red string. His smile seemed to brighten. He had finally found his soulmate! 

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