lan sizhui x merman!reader 📖࿐

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▶ Requested by no one 

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▶ Requested by no one 

▶ Fluff :> with slight angst ?

▶ Male Reader 


A head of [H/C] hair popped out of the water, catching a certain Lan off guard. He let out a yelp before a scaly hand grabbed his wrist, pulling him under. 

Lan Sizhui blinked his eyes open and opened his mouth to say something but only bubbles came out. He gasped and tried to swim upwards as water flooded his mouth but something grabbed onto him again. It forced him to look at them. 

Lan Sizhui's eyes widened when he realized who it was. He coughed water as his vision blurred. He thrashing became weaker as his limbs began to feel heavier. He felt like he was just floating there, ready to just sink to the bottom and drown. 

Warm lips met his and he soon felt that he could breath again. His eyes shot up and all he could see was the toxic color of [E/C]

"A-Yuan! I'm sorry! So so sorry! I completely forgot that humans can't breath underwater! I just saw you and was so happy to see you after all this time that I grabbed you and pulled you into the water without thinking! Oh god! I-I almost killed you!" The merman sputtered. He was speaking at a million miles per hour and Sizhui's hazy brain had a hard time processing everything he had just said. 

It was [Y/N]

A few years ago, when Lan Sizhui was on a night hunt, he had slipped near a large body of water and fallen it. The water was strong and overflowing almost from the huge storm a few nights before, and pulled him further and further away from land. He was weak from the lack of proper rest and had given up half way of trying to save himself. He had nearly drowned if it hadn't been for a certain merman. [Y/N] had been living peacefully alone in said waters. It had been lonely and he had always wished for a friend. When he saw the Lan unconscious and slowly sinking to the bottom of the waters he had decided to save him. [Y/N] expected nothing in return and merely wanted to save the teen who looked about his age, maybe a little older. Afterwards, the two actually became quite close and Sizhui would try to visit whenever he could. 

"I-its alright!" Sizhui finally stuttered. He gently, but firmly, placed his hands on both [Y/N]'s shoulders. His expression was serious but soft. "Its alright. I'm alright. A-[Y/N] there is nothing to fear." 

[Y/N] gave a shaky and weak smile. 

"Can we.. Can we go play with the fish.. now..?" 

Lan Sizhui smiled brightly, all seriousness in his face fading. "Of course!" 

"Oh I have so much to tell you about!" The [F/C] scaled merman grabbed onto the Lans hand and began to swim with the Lan in tow. 

"How is Xiaoling? Did she give birth safely?" 

[Y/N] nodded happily. "She gave birth to 5 really pretty fish! I was waiting for you to come back so we could name them together.." He trailed off, becoming shy. 

"Of course I will help name them." 

"Great! Thank you so much A-Yuan!" 

"Its no problem, A-[Y/N]. I enjoy spending time with you." 

'And if I could, I would spend eternity with you.' He added silently, watching [Y/N]'s smiling face with great fondness. 


▶ I mean come on, you really can't have a oneshot book without having at least one mermaid or merman chapter 

▶ Xiaoling - Little jade (Kinda reminded me of the little mermaid okay-) 

▶ I am in a very good mood and I'm scared that life is going to ruin it :>


Look at merman y/n 🙈🥺️ and yeah, thats my art TwT   lol I kinda just whipped that up real quick so that I could post this- 

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Look at merman y/n 🙈🥺️ and yeah, thats my art TwT   lol I kinda just whipped that up real quick so that I could post this- 

Completed : 11/26/21

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