Nova Evans

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Nova Evans was a energetic sarcastic girl who loved pranking, quidditch and reading, she had bright red hair and amazing Hazel eyes she had a lightning bolt looking scar on her neck Nova hadn't been in the prophecy but only the wrong place at the wrong time she had been told her parents had died when she was a baby.  Nova Had a gift she could turn into a doe from animagus genes, something very rare that may be passed down from animagus parents she had read about it in a book Rose her guardian had given her.

When Nova first got the letter she couldn't believe it she had been told stories about magic from Rose Thomas a squib. Rose had known about the potters so when she found baby Nova alive in the house on the floor hidden from view she knew she had to take her in everyone assumed the baby dead. She had used Nova's mothers maiden name for her Rose's husband was Jack Thomas. jack hated the idea of magic he thought it was freaky he didn't like Nova because of her  magic he hated her even more when his wife had died in a car crash Nova had survived it but Rose passed away when Nova was eight that's when jack started drinking and hitting the young girl who spent as much time away from home as possible.

When she found out that she would be going to Hogwarts from a teacher, Jack seemed to hate Nova even more and she couldn't wait to get away from him. She hated living there but knew she wouldn't be able to leave.

in the summer a man from the ministry had taken Nova to diagon alley where she bought all of her school belongings with money Rose had left her she had even been able to buy new books and other new things such as robes a wand and school supplies.

Nova boarded the Hogwarts express looking for a free seat she came across a boy with blonde hair and two larger looking boys. "may i sit here everywhere else is full." she asked them politely hoping to make new friends.

The blonde one stared at her for a moment before replying with a simple, "I suppose."

 "thanks" she got out her potions book re-reading it for probably the 100 th time before the blonde spoke up. "what house do you want to be in?" 

"I don't mind i'm probably going to be a ravenclaw i did some reading it seems like it would fit me but any's fine."

 "were going to be Slytherins." one of the bigger boys said.

 "im Draco Malfoy this is Crabbe and Goyal." the bleach blonde haired boy held out his hand with a cocky grin.  "Nova Evans." she gave a small smile. "are your parents like us?" the boy Draco asked. "If you mean have magic then yes they were. But you shouldn't really go around asking that so what if someone's parents arnt magic they dont define us its like saying just because someone's parents were deatheater's doesnt mean the child will be." she sassed one thing she hated was prejudice people.

Draco didn't know what to do yes she was right but no one had dared to speak back to him. "Your right my apologies we arnt our parents." 

They all talked and she became quick friends with Draco but separated once they all walked into the great hall ready to be sorted in their houses .

There stood in the crowd of 1st years was a mop of ginger hair blocked from everyone's view by her future classmates one by one names got called out.

Hanna Abbott




Nova Evans was called out most teachers watched the girl walking seeing an 11 year old lily Evans but hazel eyes full of mischief none were prepared for the years of stress to come while the girl attended Hogwarts.

Nova climbed onto the stool and the hat was placed on her head. It started speaking, startling the girl.

"mm very brave but you're also very keen on learning difficult Hufflepuff. Maybe actually your rather cunning like a slytherin or maybe ravenclaw mmmhhh actually i know where to put you Gryffindor.'' the hat loudly announced causing the table in red started clapping.

 the red headed girl made her way to the table searching for an empty seat before she was dragged in between two redhead twins. "Hi i'm Fred." "I'm George." They finished each other's sentences.

 "Im Nova."

 They continued to talk until the name harry potter was called everyone broke out in whispers Nova didn't get why people whispered, a while later the hat shouted gryffindor they all started clapping harry sat by Fred and Georges younger brother Ron, she had found out there were a lot of weasleys.

After the feast They went up to our dorms. She shared with Hermione Granger, lavender brown Parvati patil. she didn't mind Parvati and hermione but didn't like the lavender girl. 

"Hello, I'm Hermione granger." the curly haired girl announced holding her hand out. "Nova evans"

 "can we sit with each other at breakfast? I don't know many other people yet." Hermione asked shyly. the redhead could already tell the two opposites were going to be friends.

 "defiantly." Unlike Nova who was loud and said what's on her mind and energetic. Hermione was quiet and calm she thought before she spoke. they may have been opposites but perhaps that why in the future the would be inseparable they balanced each other out. 

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