I was adopted by a squib

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Ron was seated between Hermione and Nova in charms, while Nova's partner Draco was seated next to her.

Leviosa wingardium In an attempt to make the white feather hover, Ron yelled while pointing his wand in its direction. Ron said, "You're pronouncing it wrong." Nova informed him calmly.

"its wing-gar-dium Levi-o-sa make the gar long.'' The redhead kid snorted when Hermione corrected him by explaining to him how to pronounce the word.

"If you two are so smart, how about you do it?" He huffed in irritation and shame.

Both Hermione and Nova exchanged glances as they repeated "wingardium leviosa," and both of their feathers began to rise. "oh well done miss evans miss granger" The head of Ravenclaw applauded the short, goblin- and wizard-mixed man with rounded glasses.

As soon as the lesson was over, everyone rushed to pack their bags except for Hermione, who had questions for the professor and nova had agreed to stay with her. Once Hermione had finished asking questions the two girls headed through the yard where they spotted boys Harry ron along with seamus dean and neville who nova had become friends with since starting hogwarts and started walking towards them much to hermione's distaste.

"No wonder no one can stand them, honestly they're nightmares and Nova is worse being friends with slytherins." Nova caught Ron saying. The boy's face turned crimson red as she said, "And you're worse than those slytherins you prejudiced pig."

Both girls stormed past them and she heard harry. " I think that they heard you". Nova gave them both the finger as she and Hermione walked off.

Hermione missed her following classes due to her being upset about the earlier events of the day, while Nova skipped them because she didn't want to go hours eventually past and it was now dinner time. When the raven-haired and red-headed boys heard that the girls were in the girls' toilet, they both ran there out of dread that the troll had already found them; they felt as if it was their fault they were there to begin with.

When they got to the toilet, Hermione was already there crouched under a sink attempting to hide from the giant creature and the boys had yet to even notice how Nova was covering the girl. Hermione yelled to the boy, "Ron, use your wand!" as Harry was being swung around on the trolls back. "wingardium leviosa." The troll's bat began to be lifted into the air and then fell on its head as he recited the incantation, ultimately knocking it out.

The first person to speak up was Hermione. She questioned the boys, "Is it dead?" "No, it was just knocked out," Harry informed her while removing his wand from its nose and wiping the snot off of it but not before he shoved it in nova's face who kicked him.

Snape and Quirrell followed McGonagall ran into the toilet. "What on earth were you three thinking?" the scottish professor shouted in a cold voice with fury.

"Please professor, they were looking for me." Hermione informed the adult. "Miss granger?"

"I thought that since I've studied so much about trolls, I could deal with it on my own. I would have died by now if they hadn't found me nova protected me."

"Well in that case miss granger five points from gryffindor but five points to you three not many first years can take on a troll and live to tell the tale." the woman said, making the two boys and nova grin at receiving points. 

They were all sitting at breakfast when Harry blurted out "Nova, who are your parents you never said anything about your family."

"I was adopted by a squib Harold if you must know." she told her friend "I told you to stop calling me that its not my name Nora." she despised when he called her that her V had once looked like  an r and harry never let it go.

Technically it was true she was adopted but they didn't need to know every detail.

"Oh and sorry Nora for asking." Harry muttered. "There is nothing you should be sorry about." they stopped talking about it and headed to class

Weeks had passed; it was now the morning of their first quidditch match, Slytherins against Gryffindors. "Just eat something mate." Ron tried to persuade harry. "I don't want anything." The boy mumbled while pushing his fork through his meal. "just a bit of toast harry." encouraged hermione.

"I'm not hungry." Ron gestured and said, "Nova has no trouble eating."

Nova didn't pay attention she was too busy eating and throwing food at people the twins had now taken away her food so Nova dumped syrup on there head now all three were wrestling on the floor with lee Jordan cheering on, harry ron hermione sat watching the three redheads. They were ordered to stop by the professors, but they didn't pay attention until McGonagall arrived.

"Evans weasleys don't hide from me what I have told you about fighting."

In the locker rooms, Oliver Wood began to speak. "Ok men." He began but was cut off. "and women. Angelina Johnson interjected, saying, "Women, this is it." Wood continued but once again he was cut off.

"the big one," Fred said. "The one that we've all been waiting for" George completed. Fred then said to Harry and Nova, "We know Oliver's speech by heart. We were on the team the previous year.

"Shut up you two, Gryffindors have the best team in years; we're going to win, I know it."

"Now I want a nice fair game captains shake hands." Madam hooch the referee demanded. The two captains wood the gryffindor captain and flint the slytherin captain stepped in front each but It appeared as though the two boys were attempting to break one other's hands. "now mount your brooms." Hooch instructed. The commentator was Lee Jordan, Nova Fred and George's friend "and there the quaffle is taken by Nova evans she is one fit girl and can I say she is one flirt watch out professors."

"Jordan, I can take this off you." McGonagall warned.

"sorry professor Nova passes it to alicia who passes it to angelina slytherin grab the quaffle wait - its back to Nova AND THEY SCORE YES NOVA."

"However, Slytherin just misses a bludger and drops the quaffle, which Nova Evans recovers. Slytherin has the quaffle flint pass to Pucey."

"A bludger is struck by a Slytherin's beater." Lee yells into the microphone.

Nova, who is struck in the leg, hears a crack but pushes aside the discomfort because she wants to win the game.

"foul foul slytherin scum." Lee screamed into the microphone.

By the time Angelina scored and Nova added another 10 points, Slytherin was dirty-playing and Nova had seen Hagrid in the stands. the girls leg hurt a great deal. gryffindors were at 20 to 70 both Nova's and Harry's broom then started going crazy the girl gripped tightly onto her broom trying not to get thrown off while so high up she was about to fall of when hers and Harry's broom suddenly halted. Harry had been flying around when the snitch flew in front of him,  when he started after it, he had crashed to the ground skidding across the grass making everybody wince. the first year began to look as if he was going to be sick.

"Is he going to throw up?" Nova yelled at the twins, who gave just a shrug.

Harry had the snitch in his hand Nova grinned. "Harry potter has caught the snitch 170 points to Gryffindor, " Lee shouted.

Nova hopped off her broom and felt dizzy while everyone else went to congratulate Harry Nova was seeing black dots. She looked down to see blood running down her leg. The last thing she saw before she passed out was professor snape running towards her.

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