Little star.

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dumbledores office earlier-

"my goddaughter is alive and you never thought to tell me i could have raised her both of them!" the werewolf roared in anger. "it was for her safety remus no one needed to know she needed to be protected if word gets-" remus cut the headmaster off "Does she even know?" Minerva spoke up "Mr Lupin she knows they both know." this calmed the man slightly the less they know the better. 

In detention the potions and defense teacher sat there for about 15 minutes at two desks while the Scottish professor sat at her own they waited for the young red head who was late the door handle started rattling when the redhead casually strolled in.

"15 minutes late miss potter." said as usual "Sorry Minnie, I was busy." she told the older woman with the potter smirk the same one james would give making the woman feel a wave of noglostia. the girl sat behind a desk in the middle of the two men.

"new fessor do you have any chocolate?" Remus hated that his own godchild referred to him just as a new fessor but smiled anyway. "sorry i've run out miss potter."

"It's fine sir, I think I have one stashed." She then took out her own chocolate and biscuits and a flask of something from her pocket with 2 tea cups. "Minnie, do you want a biscuit and the usual tea?" the woman didn't even look up from the papers she was marking. "oh sure miss potter."

The two men looked at them oddly like this was normal. The redhead girl passed out tea to the the professor as well as one for snape and remus "How do you know what tea I have Nova?" the potions fessor questioned her.

"I would like to know Miss Potter as well." remus told her.

"I do pay attention like how I know what all of your Patronus are, how you two hate each other by my guess fessor sev you also hate my father but minnie you loved him as your own and he also called you minnie im very good at reading people and paying attention."

"It's a shame you are unable to pay that much attention in class." McGonagall muttered under her breath.

the door handle started jiggling "shit." all fessors looked at the girl and all said "language!" The redhead dived under the Scottish professors desk and the Weasley twins entered the classroom "Mr Weasley's your early to detention for once. How may I help the two of you?" Professor McGonagall questioned.

"she's done it again." they both told the woman. "And what has Miss Potter done this time?"

"hid our homework and filled our room with cornish pixies." George told her. "It's an outrage." the other twin told the professor. "it wasn't me." she said from under the desk.

"We have a chocolate little star." Remus froze at that nickname recognizing it as the name James potter gave his daughter.


Remus Lupin, Sirius Black and Lily Potter who had newborn Harry in her arms watched as James Potter held his daughter for the first time.

"What are you calling her prongs?" Young Sirius Black asked.

"Nova Lily Potter, my little star." The man told his family with tears in his eyes as he watched his daughter she had his hazel eyes but looked like her mother he knew he would never forget this moment.

Flashback over.

"Sorry, what did you call her?" the older scarred man asked.

"Little star? She's small and she's named after a star, Nova you love me don't you?" George questioned the girl teasing her.

"No, my heart belongs to someone else toerag." Remus tensed thinking his goddaughter was dating someone.

"who!?" the twins shouted at the same time. "chocolate!" The werewolf instantly relaxed. "Ah, just in time for your detention mr weasleys." The twins sat at two desks while Nova went back to hers. "So why are they here, new fessor fessor sev minnie."

"They were acting and arguing like children." causing the twins and nova to laugh "Well why am I here is it because i told peeves to put the fish in the slytherin common rooms."

"no miss potter, Nova potter do you ever do your own homework?" the woman asked changing the subject. "no mione or dragon does it." the older woman gave her a stern look " i'm only joking, Mione only lets me copy hers." she told the woman.

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