the letter

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remus knocked on the door to the hospital wing and the matron opened it. "how can i help you mr lupin?" already knowing why he was here. "I need to see Nova." He looked over the women's head to see if he could see her but he couldn't spot the red head.

"I'm afraid I can not allow anyone in mr lupin." she told the man.

As she shut the door remus slid down the door sat staring into nothing how could he not even notice he had only payed attention to harry he needed to see his pup his wolf side was coming out moony needed its pup he couldn't help the tears that threatened to fall he had lost his pup again after getting her he then saw professor McGonagall and snape walking towards him "whats wrong with her?" her scottish accent heavy with panic.

"I don't know," he laughed dryly. "What do you mean you don't know?" the potions master sneered.

"I mean she's gone, not here." Remus snapped back; he was normally calm but his cub was gone.

draco was walking to the dungeons most people were in common rooms as it was nearly curfew. "mr malfoy." it was only professor snape draco figured he would ask about Nova. "Yes, professor?"

"where is miss Evans?" He asked his godson. "she's in st mungos sir."

"thank you mr malfoy."

Snape sat in his office he couldn't believe he hadn't noticed the girl once again the attention was on her brother. He stared at the letter that had been sent to him many years ago no one but Dumbledore and McGonagall had ever seen it no one but them had ever needed to know apart from one other person.

August 11th 1980

Dear sev,

You were my first best friend we haven't talked in a while but on July 31st this year i gave birth to twins Harry james and Nova sirius i would love for you along with remus lupin  to be her godfather i'm hoping you will agree because i know you would protect my little girl just like you did for me. Nova is the youngest by five minutes. She has my hair and hazel eyes. Please owl back.

Love Lily potter .

Severus Snape had received this letter once he had made the mistake of telling Voldemort about the prophecy he had never regretted anything more then that moment he never replied to the letter so when he last saw lily potter all he felt was guilt he didn't mention the letter.

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