Calm down dragon

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Draco felt the air leave his lungs "what no you ha-" Nova cut him off. "calm down dragon i was only joking."

Nova and Draco sat talking until dinner time when he had to return to school the girl had fallen asleep he kissed her head and left to floo back to school. Draco had told Neville where and what had happened to her but made the boy promise not to tell anyone he went up to the Gryffindor table where all of them sat eating dinner.

"Longbottom." he said flatly gaining the gryffindors attention. "yes malfoy?" he said in his usual quite voice.  "I need to talk to you." Neville went to stand up when Ron grumbled. "no go away malfoy."

"no it's fine ron i need to speak to him." Everyone was left speechless why would Neville choose to talk to Malfoy as the two boys walked out the hall.

"Nova's awake i went to visit her today she's fine she should be back soon."

"thank you malfoy." "No problem, Nova would want me to tell you."

Nova had trouble sleeping every time she did manage to fall asleep she would see her mum die and hear her dad she would see the green flash that had managed to kill her parents she was sitting in the same hospital room she had been in for a week since she woke up she wished she was with madam pomfrey who would talk to her give her chocolate and put her in her bed but no she was in a lonely room no chocolate and people who wouldn't give her a second glance she had enough she got dressed into her own clothes walked out the room avoiding everyone she went to the nearest fire place where she would floo to the school.

"Severus Snape's office!" she had been to his office loads during detentions, she tumbled to the floor she had never been good at flooing she looked at the clock in Snape's office

everyone would be at lunch but she first had to go to the common rooms to grab her glasses she hated wearing them and normally chose not to but since the quidditch match she had been left with headaches constantly. everyone was sitting at lunch, draco had got a letter from st mungos to say she had gone missing. He went up to the teachers table and showed his godfather who rolled his eyes and stood up.

"we will floo to st mungos to look for her." but before they could a red haired girl in muggle clothing and round spectacles walked in.

she walked up to draco "hi dragon." he looked confused "Nova? since when do you wear glasses?"

"I normally don't wear them but i have been getting headaches, oh well i'm gonna go i'm sitting with my house today bye." the boy grabbed her arm stopping her. "No, you're supposed to be in st mungos."

"Yes, well I got bored and here I am." she tried to walk off again but failed. "I'm taking you back."

"No, I don't want to let me stay." She gave him puppy dog eyes that no one could resist. "fine but you have to go to the hospital wing for a check up." Draco sighed in defeat.

"yay!" she jumped on the blonde giving him a hug she walked over to the gryffindor table sitting in between george and hermione opposite harry.

"erm hi i'm hermione granger i've never seen you before." hermione stuck her hand out. "Mione, it's me Nova." Everyone stared at the girl in shock until Harry jumped over the table hugging the girl. "Since when did you wear glasses?" he dived under the table sitting in between hermione and nova. "Since always."

"And second, where have you been?" Ron asked while shoving food in his mouth.

"oh i was in a coma for months then resting for one month in st mungos." she told them as if it was nothing. "no one knew where you were apart from draco and madam pomfrey." Harry told his sister.

"no fessor snape and neville knew." Harry felt his blood boil. "You knew neville?" His voice was laced with venom he would admit he wanted to strangle the boy. "I did but Malfoy told me not to tell anyone."

"no offence neville but why would draco tell you" ron questioned the boy "Well on the day of the quidditch match I noticed Nova missing-" Nova interrupted him "Yes, the only person." "and I asked Malfoy because he is friends with Nova."

remus watched his goddaughter where had she been the past few months she had just disappeared he needed to talk to the pup his wolf was on the verge of coming out again (wink wink subtle gay joke) it needed it's pup moony hadn't been able to talk to his pup alone since they met again someone was always there it hurt them both remus and moony to not be able to talk to her he sees nova head out by herself he needed to see if she was alright he rushed out the hall and caught up with her.

"miss pot- Evans if i may ask where have you been?" he asked making her stop. "st mungos in a coma for a few months then resting one." she repeated again.

"you should be resting!" he scolded. "no offence new fessor your not my dad im fine." hurt flashed across remus' face "yes well it doesn't matter i'm just looking after you, you're a student." he argued. "I'm alright , new fessor." She argued back with that she walked away and Remus broke a little more. His pup didn't want to talk to him, she wouldn't tell him how she was and she had been in a coma for months he couldnt see her she no longer came to him like she would as a baby je wanted to change time he needed his family back he needed lily james sirius Peter the twins his family which he made which accepted him. 

Harry potters sister - Nova PotterWhere stories live. Discover now