𝚇𝚅𝙸. 𝙷𝚘𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙲𝚘𝚕𝚍

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"Oh, God. It's so hot out. I'm sweating in places I didn't even know I had pores." Demetri rubs his forehead sweat off on Sam's shoulder, and she wrinkles her nose in disgust and wipes it back on him.

The Miyagi-Do students are all huddled under the only tree in the backyard trying to seek relief from the intense California heat.

"We haven't even started yet and I already feel heat exhaustion coming on." Violet leans back against the tree, shutting her eyes.

"Alright guys, get out from under that tree!" Daniel calls out as he comes out of the dojo. "It's time to get to work."

Everyone groans as they reluctantly stand up.

"Mr. LaRusso, it's a hundred degrees out. Can't we take it easy today?" Robby pleads.

"Are you kidding? This heat wave is a gift! Today you are going to experience Shochu-Geiko."

"Like the car insurance?" Chris speaks up.

"If you want fifteen percent or more of your students to make it out of training today, I suggest we move this inside." Violet adds, and everyone agrees.

"Shochu-Geiko is a Japanese exercise where you train during the hottest days of the year." Daniel starts, ignoring Chris and Violet. "It's about pushing yourself to your limit. The fight isn't always gonna come when it's seventy-five degrees and breezy."

"Aren't we supposed to avoid fighting?" Sam asks.

"Sometimes you can't. Someday the fight may come to you, and I want to make sure you're ready." Daniel explains. "So today we're gonna see what Miyagi-Do is made of."

Daniel moves everyone out front and has the students stand in a circle except for Robby, who is in the middle. He assigns each student a number and when their number is called they have to attack Robby. Robby has to be able to sense the attack, since he doesn't know everyone's numbers.


A kid to Robby's left throws a punch but Robby blocks and takes his leg out from underneath him, taking him to the ground. Daniel nods in approval as Robby helps the kid up and moves back to the middle of the circle.


Violet snaps out of her daze looking at Robby's back muscles and runs at him from behind. Robby turns around but isn't quick enough, and Violet lands a kick on his stomach.

GREEN EYES; Robby KeeneWhere stories live. Discover now