Acid rain

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"Whatcha dooooooooin'?" I asked.

"Nothing, why?" Tara asked.

"Im bored, its acid raining today and schools out" I said.

"Why dont you just talk to your friends on penstagram?" Tara asked.

"Oh yeah! Thats a good idea! Thanks!" I said, running to my room.

I got on penstagram and started texting luz.


                                                        Hey luz!

Hey Y/N!

                                Can we talk? Im bored

Sure! Actually, hang on, i'll add you to our group chat!


-Y/N has been added to the "jazz hands" group chat-

Gus: alright, who renamed the group chat again?

Amity: come on! Again?

Luz: I named it! Wait, do you not like it?

Amity: no no! I love it baby! Totally.....

Luz: yay!

Willow: hey Y/N!

Y/N: helloooooo

Hunter: oh hey Y/N
So, could we all meet at edas house? Im bored

Luz: sure! Although idk how any of you will get here...

Hunter: we can figure it out
Hey amity can you come pick me up since you know, you have abomination magic and can shield me from the rain?

Amity: 🤣 i'll come pick you up hunter

Hunter: thank you....


I looked over to my old abomination jar and picked it up.

"Looks like we meet again" I said.

I ran downstairs with my jar and grabbed my staff.

"Where do you think your going?" Mom asked.

"A friends house, and dont worry, i'll be safe, I promise I wont get hurt by the rain" I said.

"Alright, just BE CAREFUL!" Mom said.

"Yeah yeah I know" I said, opening the door.
"Abomination, rise!"

The abomination goop rose out of the jar and floated over my head, I got on my staff and flew as fast as I could, the abomination flying right there with me.

Tiny time skip

"Hey luz!" I said, flying down into the force field aunt Eda put up.

"Hey Y/N" Luz waved.

"Hellooo!" Gus said.

"AHHH!" Hunter screamed.

"Its not going to burn through the abomination hunter! Quit worrying!" Amity yelled.

"Its making a sizzling noise!" Hunter yelled.

"It was your idea to come here!" Amity said.

"Yeah I know I ju-" Hunter started.

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