Taras serenade

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|Present time|
|Taras POV|

Mom walked to her room, I sat there for a moment before running up to mine, Y/N I think went outside.

I jumped on my bed and buried my face into my pillows.

After a few moments of crying I got up and grabbed my violin.

"Stupid bards" I whispered.
"They killed dad"
"Now I understand..... why mom hates them"

I threw my violin across the room into a wall, it broke in half and fell to the floor.

I flopped back down onto my bed and covered my self with my blanket.

"Why couldnt I have just listened to mom?" I asked.

The next day


I turned off my alarm and got out of bed, I got ready for the day and grabbed my staff, taking a quick glance at the broken violin on the floor, I turned away and flew to school.

"Tara!" Cylan yelled, running up to me after I landed.

"What?" I asked.

"Hey, so I learned a new spell, we can practice after school if you wa-" Cylan started.

"No thanks" I said, walking past him.

"Oh.... alright I guess.... maybe I can teach you in class then" Cylan said awkwardly.

"Nope" I said.

"What? Why? I mean.... I guess if you just dont want I guess thats fine, but its really cool!" Cylan said.

"I dont care" I said.

"Oh.... ok.... well i'll see you in class then" Cylan said.

"No, you wont, im not taking the bard track anymore, im going back to plants" I said.

"W- what? But you hate plants!" Cylan said.

I rolled my eyes and walked away.

"Tara!" Cylan yelled, catching up to me.
"Whats going on with you? You love being a bard! Is there something wrong?"

"Nothings wrong, I just.... dont want to be a bard anymore, and no, before you ask, I dont want to talk about it" I said.

"Ok..... w- we'll still be friends.... right?" Cylan asked.

I stayed silent and walked past him to the plant track.

|Cylans POV|

Tara walked past me into the plant track and I felt my heart drop.

'Why doesnt she like bards anymore?' I thought.
'Did I do something wrong?'
'Its my fault, isnt it?'
'God im so stupid'

I turned around and walked away, I was walking to the bard track when I saw Y/N walking towards the beast-keeping track.

I walked over to him and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Oh hey cylan, whats up?" Y/N asked.

"Hey Y/N.... i- is there something wrong with tara? Shes acting weird" I asked.

"Uhh... maybe... w- why? Whats wrong?" Y/N asked.

"S- she says she doesnt want to be a bard anymore, and I- I dont know I just feel like I did something wrong" I said.

"Oh.... I- I think I know whats wrong, i'll talk to her after school, dont worry, its not your fault" Y/N said.

"Oh, ok, thanks" I said.

Time skip

|Taras POV|

I walked to lunch and sat down at our usual table next to Willow, no one else had shown up yet.

"So, tara, what made you want to come back to the plant track?" Willow asked.

"Oh uhh.... i'd rather not talk about it" I said.

Y/N walked up to us and sat down next to me.

"Are you ok?" He whispered to me.

"Yeah why?" I asked.

"..... cylan, he came and talked to me today" Y/N said.
"Is this about yesterday?"

I stayed silent and ate some of my lunch.

Time skip

After me and Y/N got home I run upstairs to my room and shut the door behind me.


I rolled my eyes and opened the door.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Can I come in?" Y/N asked.

I let Y/N in and we both sat on my bed.

"Are you ok?" Y/N asked.

"I told you, im fine" I said.

"You dont seem fine, look, I know how much you love being a bard, whats going on? You can talk to me" Y/N said.

"Its nothing I- I jus- nothings wrong!" I said.

Y/N stayed silent and gave me a look, almost as though he was looking through me.

"Dont look at me like that" I said.

He stayed silent.

"........... fine! You want to know?" I asked.

Y/N gave me a nod.

"Alright..... i- its about yesterday..." I said.
"Mom said that..... a bard.... killed dad"
"Now I- I know why mom hates them so much..... and i- im beginning to hate them too"
"I know its stupid but...... I cant help but think im reminding mom of that memory.... every time I play my music"
"I just.... I feel like its my fault"

"Its not your fault, Tara, you werent the one who killed him, it was a long time ago, and just because a bard killed him, doesnt mean you should stop doing what you love" Y/N said.

"I guess......" I said.
"But what if mom hates me for it?"

"She wont hate you, she'll never hate you, she might not like bards but she'll always love you, she might not be the best mom in the world but shes OUR mom, and we'll always love each other" Y/N said.

"Haha..... thanks" I said.
"I- I still want to be a ba-"

Y/N shot up off the bed and ran to his room.

"Uhhhh..... Y/N?" I asked.

All of a sudden Y/N ran back in holding a flute.

"I noticed your violin was broken, and I had this so I thought-" Y/N started.

I stood up and grabbed the flute, we walked over to my bed and sat down.

I tried to play the flute but no tunes came out, just a sad little sputter, I looked at Y/N and we both burst out laughing.

|Mindy's POV|

"Kids im home!" I said.

All of a sudden I heard laughing from upstairs, I went upstairs and saw Y/N and Tara on Taras bed holding a flute, laughing like there was no tomorrow.

"Wait wait, try it again" Y/N said.

"Ok" Tara said.

Tara blew into the flute and well..... it didnt sound good.

"HAAHAHAHAHA" They both laughed.

I smiled at them and went back downstairs.


Heres chapter 23! 😁 also please excuse my grammar/spelling mistakes im just dumb😅

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