The traitor

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|Hunters POV|

I was watching tv with Y/N when I guess I fell asleep, since I woke up with Y/N's arm around me and it was pitch-black outside.

"Oh no..." I whispered.

I slowly pried Y/N's arms off of me and stood up, I grabbed my staff and walked over to the front door.

"Hunter?" Tara said from behind me.

"Oh, hey tara" I said awkwardly.

"Why are you leaving now? Its passed midnight" Tara asked.

"Is its passed midnight why are you up?" I asked.

"Im thirsty" Tara said.
"Now answer the question"

"I-... I have to get home" I said.

"Hunter its midnight, just go back to sleep, mom doesnt mind if you spend the night" Tara said walking into the kitchen.

"Hmm? Hunter?" Y/N asked groggily.

"Great, you woke it up" Tara said pouring herself a glass of water.

"Huh? Whats going on?" Y/N asked.

"I have to get home" I said.

"What? What time is it?" Y/N asked.

"Midnight" Tara said walking upstairs.

"Why sont you just stay over? Im sure my mom would be fine with it" Y/N asked.

"M- my uncle.... I-... I have to get home, im sorry" I said turning around and walking towards the door.

A week later

|Icarus's POV|

"Can we just take them in already? Its been a week and I wanna go back to palisman hunting" I asked.

"Not yet, just be patient" Hunter said.

"No, just think about it, if we capture them now we can just go back to our regular lives, they'll never escape so we can just sit back and relax, hunter, us together can beat them all very quickly, there is no need to wait" I said.

"I said, be patient" Hunter said walking into beast-keeping class.

"Hmm...." I muttered.

|Cylans POV|

I was waiting for Tara so we could practice the new spells I learned when I heard a twig snap behind me.

"Huh? Whos there?" I asked turning around.

I turned around and saw a boy around my age sneaking behind me.

"Oh, uhh... hi! Do- do you got to hexside? Whats your name?" I asked.

The boy looked at me for a moment before diving into a near by bush, waiting for a few seconds then running away.

"Weird" I said.

|Hunters POV|

"Hey Y/N" I said.

"Hey huntie" Y/N said as he was trying to concentrate on the spell he was learning.

"Huntie?" I laughed.

"Huh?" Y/N asked.

"You called me huntie" I smiled.

"Oh... did I say that out loud?" Y/N asked.

"Yeah, yeah you did" I smiled.

"Sorry I-... its a nickname I- sorry" Y/N blushed.

"Dont be sorry, its cute" I said, kissing his cheek.

"Hunter!" Y/N whisper screamed.
"We're in class!"

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