The eye of the rainestorm

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"I never knew you could be that... strategic... and demanding" I said.

"I am the golden guard" Hunter said.

"I know its just... i've never seen you like that before" I said.

"Haha, yeah" Hunter said.

"Anyways, sorry for kinda- freaking out earlier" I said.

"Its fine, you've helped me through my freakouts" Hunter said.

"Yeah" I said.
"Hey hunter"

"Hmm?" Hunter asked.

"Im... sorry, I wish we could've spent more time together, it just seems like ever since we started dating, things have been going downhill" I said.
"I promise, that when this is all over, i'll bring you out on a date, like, not like the other ones we've had, like- a nice dinner or something, n- not to say the other dates werent nice they were I jus-"

Hunter cut me off by kissing me.

"I know what you mean, its ok" Hunter said.

I chuckled and kissed him again.

|Edas POV|

Willows dads and Gus's dad went to find Cylan and his dad, me Lily and Alador went to the emporers palace where I suspected Tara and Mindy were.

"I'll go this way, you and alador go up there" I said.

"What? No! You dont have any magic yo-" Lily started.

"Did you forget?" I asked, turning into harpy me.
"I think I can protect myself without magic"

"*sigh* alright, just be safe, please" Lily said.

"I will" I said, walking downstairs while Lily and Alador went upwards.

Tiny time skip

"Tara?" I asked, opening another door.
"*sigh* empty again"

"You shouldnt be here" I heard from behind me.

I turned around and saw Raine standing there with a few guards.

"Raine?" I asked.

"Eda, your looking very.... flashy" Raine said.
"New spell?"

"Not exactly" I said.

"Anyways, you need to leave, now" Raine said.

"Raine, wait, we need to talk" I said.

"I wont ask again eda, leave, or else" Raine said.

"...... or else what?" I asked.

Raine drew a circle of lught with their fingers and summoned their violin.

They were about to start playing before they shot me a wink.

"Ahh- head master?" A guard asked.
"Is this spell supposed to hurt us too?"

"Yes, actually, it is" Raine said, turning around quickly and attacking them.

They all got blasted back and slammed against the wall, falling unconcious.

"You're welcome" Raine smiled.

0"Oh raine!" I said, running up and hugging them.

"Ow- claws, CLAWS" They said.

"Oh, sorry" I said seperating from them.

"So, what ARE you doing here?" Raine asked.

"We're looking for my niece, and sister in law" I said.

"Well, thats one thing I cant help with, sorry" Raine said.

"Thats ok, but, maybe we can get you out too?" I asked.

"Always welcome to try" Raine said.

"Edaline!" Lily said running towards us.
"Oh hi raine!"
"Anyways, eda! We found them!"

Tiny time skip

"Oh my titan" I said as I looked through the window into the throne room where Tara, Mindy, and Cylan were, they were lying on the ground, cuts, bruises and burns dotted their skin as Belos stood at the other end of the room smiling.

"Umm... eda?" Alador asked.

"What?" I asked.

"Your claws-" Alador said.

I looked down and saw my claws dug into his skin, I apologized and took them out.

"Im going to kill that son of a-" I started.

All of a sudden I felt a gust of wind blow past me and something shattered the window in front of me.

After a few seconds I looked in and saw another harpy.

'LILY?!' I thought.

Lilith flew over to Belos and picked him up, throwing him against the throne and grabbing him by the neck.

Me, Raine and Alador looked at each other and jumped in the room.

I flew over to grab the kids and Mindy before a rock wall shot up in front of me.

Alador summoned a fist of abomination goop and punched through the wall, I flew through the falling rocks and grabbed Tara.

I grabbed Cylan and started flying towards Mindy before a pillar of rock shot up and hit me, making me drop the kids and fall to the ground.

All of a sudden belos was thrown to the ground in front of me, Lily flew over and lifted him up by the neck once again.

"You hurt my family, I hurt you" Lily growled.

Lily lifted him higher before a pillar of rock shot up between them, making her drop him and belos drop to the ground.

Belos groaned and pulled out a glyph, he activated it and his entire body lit up, within a few seconds he dissapeared.

"That was actually a pretty good fight, you've earned my respect" A boy about Cylans age said stepping out of the shadows.
"Too bad those skills are going to go to waste" He said, drawing a circle of light with his fingers.

All of a sudden Lily let out a scream and was pulled underground.

"LILY!" I yelled.

I looked up to the boy and lunged forward, my claws ready.

He stepped out of the way and I fell forward a bit, I turned around and jumped forward again.

"This is getting boring" The boy said, dodging again.

A pillar of rock shot out of the ground and pinned me against the wall.

"A- aunt eda?" Tara asked.

"Tara!" I yelled.

I looked over only to see that Raine and Alador were gone, I looked back to the boy and saw them creeping up behind him, Aladors hand was covered in abomination goo and Raine was holding their violin.

"Yeah, I dont think thats going to work" The boy said.

2 pillars if rock shot up behind him and trapped Alador and Raine.

"2 owl ladies, the vice president of blight industries, and a traitor, all in the span of 5 minutes, this is an awesome day" The boy said.

All of a sudden we were dropped from the pillars onto the ground, I was about to fly up agin but the ground started to give way, I yelled and we were all sent underground.


Heres chapter 34! 😁 also please excuse my grammar/spelling mistakes im just dumb😅

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