The Avatar of Beast

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A month later

|Belos's POV|

"The day of unity is almost upon us, collector" I said.

"Yeperdoodledoo!" Collector said.
"Your gonna let me out, right?"

"Of course, I said I would, I would never break a promise" I said.

"You broke your promise to your brother, and your sister in law, and your nephew, and terra snapdragon, and kiki, and darius, and eberwolf, and-" Collector started.

"Thats enough! I would never break a promise, to you, collector" I said.

"Hmmmmm.... are you sure?" Collector asked.

".......... yes...... of course" I chuckled.

"..... ok! But you better not be lying, or maybe, just maaaayyybeeeee" Collector said, clasping his hands together and making a squishing sound.

"Am I supposed to know what that means?" I asked.

"Hopefully not" Collector giggled.

"You're very... peculiar" I said.

"Ok...? I dont know what that means" Collector said.

|Y/N's POV|

"Stop it that tickles" I giggled as hunter brushed his hand against the back of my neck.

"No" Hunter smiled and pulled me into another kiss.

"Mmm" I hummed and smiled into the kiss, pulling him on top of me.

"Ew" Tara said making gagging sounds.


"Nooot a problem" Tara said zipping up the flap to my tent.

"Sorry about her" I said.

"Eh, im used to it by now, its not like we get any privacy staying in tents in a cave" Hunter said.

"Yeah, but, the flaps closed now" I smirked.

Hunter smiled and rolled his eyes and kissed me again.

"Boys, come on" Mom said.

"MOM?! GET OUT!" I yelled.

"No, now come on, breakfast is ready" Mom said closing the tent.

"Ugh" I groaned.

".... race you" Hunter said giving another kiss and jumping out of the tent.

"Hey! No fair!" I said running after him.

I ran after Hunter and wrapped my arms around him from behind, lifting him in the air.

"H- hey! Stoooop" Hunter laughed.

"Never!" I said burying my face in Hunters neck.

"Gross" Edric said.

"Just because your jealous of Y/N doesnt mean you have to ruin the mood ed" Alador said.

"What?! Im not jealous of Y/N, I'll have you know I am OVER my stupid little crush on hunter" Edric said turning red.

"Over your crush on hunter, now has a crush on-" Emira started.

Edric slapped a hand over Emiras mouth and gave her a deathly glare.

"Alright fine I wont tell" Emira said.

"Heeeeyy cutie" Viney said putting her hand on Emiras shoulder.

"He- hey viney..." Emira blushed.

"Ooooooooooooo" Alador and Edric said at the same time.

Forbidden | Hunter x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now