Aunt lilith

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"So when is aunt lilith getting here?" Tara asked.

"For the last time, shes on her way" I said.

"That doesnt answer my question" Tara said.

"*gasp* shes here!" Luz said.

Me and Tara jumped out of our seats and ran towards the door.

"LILIIIIII-" Hooty yelled but was cut off by Tara throwing the door open.

"Aunt lilith!" Me and Tara yelled at the same time.

"Y/N! Tara!" Aunt lilith said.

We ran up to Aunt Lilith and gave her a hug.

"Hey! Why dont I get that sort of attention?" Aunt Eda asked.

"Edalyne!" Lilith said.

We let go of Aunt Lilith and she went and hugged Aunt Eda.

"So, what have you 2 been up to?" Aunt Lilith asked, turning around.

"Well...." Me and Tara said.

Time skip

"Anyways, the emporers being really annoying too, first he captured tara, then me, luz, amity and edric" I explained.

"Did you get hurt?! I swear if he hurt you I will end him myself-" Aunt Lilith said.

"We're fine" I laughed.

"Oh..... ok" Aunt Lilith said.

"Tara! Help me!" King yelled running into the room.

"Whats wrong?" Tara asked.

"Eda! And luz! Theyre wrong!" King said.

"King! Get back here!" Luz yelled.

"Help!" King said.

Tara picked up king and ran outside.

"Wonder what thats about" I said.

"Haha, so, hows it going at hexside?" Aunt Lilith asked.

"Really good! Im doing the beast-keeping track now, hunters there too! I sit right next to him, hes pretty cu- cool! Cool.... pretty cool, we've gotten to know each other really well, which is awesome! Hes kinda my best friend now, I remember once I helped him do a spell cuz you know he cant do magic and he seemed really happy, which is always nuce to see and- im talking too much arent I?" I said.

"Yeah, kinda" Aunt Lilith smiled.
"Why are you talking about hunter so much?"

My eyes went wide and my face went red.

"Uhh I- im not- what are you- w- what do you mean?" I asked.

"You've talked about your other friends, alex, cylan, but never that much, with hunter you seem really happy and.... giddy.... about those stories" Aunt Lilith said.

"T- that doesnt mean anything..... h- hes my bestfriend! Of course i'd tell you a lot of stories" I said.

"JUST.... bestfriends?" Aunt Lilith smirked.

"Y- yes?" I said.

She leaned forward and stared me down, I gave her an awkward smile and stuttered a bit.

"W- what?" I asked.

"Hmmm" She said as she squinted her eyes.

"................... I have a crush on hunter" I finally gave in.

"I KNEW IT!" Aunt Lilith said.

"You cant tell anyone!" I said.

"Dont worry, your secrets safe with me" Aunt Lilith said.

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