The forest PT. 2

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"Wheres Tara? And gus?" Hunter asked.

"Taras practicing with Cylan again" I said.

"And gus is probably out swooning over mattholomule" Willow said.

"I was looking for king, thank you very much" Gus said, walking in holding king.

"Put me down!" King whined.

Gus let go of king and he jumped up on the table and laid down.

Alex chuckled and placed their feet on top of king and used him as a foot rest.

"Hey! Stop! Let me go!" King struggled.

"Is anyone else hearing that awful noise? I think its coming from the table" They smirked.

"Not funny!" King said.

Alex put their feet back on the ground and king ran to the other room.

"So what does everyone want to do?" I asked.

"How about we go to that forest you were talking about? I think it'll be fun" Alex suggested.

"NO!" Me, Hunter, and Luz said at the same time.

"Why not? We'll all be together so we wont have to worry about the basilisk, plus, you said it beautiful" Willow asked.
"Also, im a plant nerd, i'd love to see a forest made of glass"

"Yeah, plus, mirrors are kinda how illusionists practice, maybe I can teach you all some illusion spells" Gus said.

"....... oh I was hoping we could fight something while we were there but yeah learning sounds fun too" Alex said.

"No! I am not going back there!" I said.

"I guess we can go again" Hunter said.

"I mean- yeah sure I guess we can go again" I said awkwardly.

Alex looked at me confused and Luz leaned back in her seat.

"Amity!" She yelled.

"Yes?" Amity asked from the other room.

"You wanna go to the mirror jungle again?" Luz asked.

"No" Amity said.

"Alright, see you later" Luz said as she jumped up from her seat.

"Oh we're going right now?" Alex asked.

"You asked for it!" Luz said, opening the door.

We all got up and started walking towards the forest.

Time skip

"Alright, to avoid what happened last time, we should all stay toge- WHERES ALEX?!" Hunter said.

"Whos alex again?" A familiar voice asked walking up to us.

"Edric?! What are you doing here?" Hunter asked.

"I was on my way to the owl house and noticed you all walking towards..... this place" Edric said.

"Alex is the one who saved your life on the airship, ya dingus" I said.

"Oh yeah!" Edric said.

I rolled my eyes and we all started looking for them.

Tiny time skip

"Alex!" Luz yelled.

Gus drew a circle of light and 3 illusions of him appeared in front of him, his eyes began to glow and he stood locked in place as the 3 gus's searched through the forest.

"Guys! I think I see them!" Willow shouted as she ran into the forest towards the bright red figure in the distance.

"Alex! We-" Willow started.

As Willow got closer to the figure she was pulled in by some invisible force and vanished, leaving not a trace of her behind.

"Hey guys?" Edric said.

"What?" I asked.

"Plant girl just..... dissapeared" Edric said.

"Great, now we have to look for willow too!" I said.

"No I mean she like..... vanished, like one second she was there and the next, POOF!" Edric said.

"Show me" I said.

Me and Edric walked to where Willow disappeared and the others kept looking for Alex.

We walked over and saw nothing but a bush made of metal, and a very, very deep hole in the ground.

"So you're saying she fell into this? I dont think so, willows not dumb enough to fall into this thing when theres a whole metal blob in her way, maybe you are, but not her, you could see this thing for miles" I asked.

"I dont know what happened, all I know is she vanished, right after she came to this exact spot" Edric said.

"Whatever, lets just go back" I turned around and saw a line of trees blocking our way back.
"Right, forgot about that" I said, drawing a circle of light.

"About what?" Edric asked.

"The forest moves, not very much but still" I said.

I summoned a giant snake and it extended from hand, chomped through the glass trees to make a clear path and pulled back towards me, dissapearing into my hand.

We walked back to the entrance of the forest, only to notice it looked completely different, dark, with no sign of the others or where we came from.

"....... maybe it moves more then I thought" I said.

|Hunters POV|

"Hey, where'd Y/N and Edric go?" Luz asked.

"What?! We lost Y/N?! no no no no no not Y/N why did we lose Y/N?!" I asked frantically.

"And Edric..... and Willow..... and Alex" Luz said.

"Oh yeah them too" I said.

Luz gave me a wierd look and we continued to look for all of them.

Me and Luz walked towards the middle of the forest, leaving gus and his illusions alone while we walked towards a giant chasm lined with metal bushes.

"Think they fell in?" I asked.

"Nah, no one in our group other then you would be stupid enough to fall in a hole 10× bigger then the owl house" Luz chuckled.

"Whatever" I said, rolling my eyes.
"Well, they're not here so, lets just go back"

We turned around and was met by the crystal clear lake me and Y/N had seen the last time we were here.

"That wasnt there before was it?" I asked.

"I dont think so" Luz said.

"I thought only the trees moved here" I said.

"You thought wrong" A creepy voice said behind us.

|Gus's POV|

I dispelled the illusions after not finding anyone so far, I looked around and saw no one else around.

"Where'd everyone go?" I asked.


Heres chapter 16! Also please excuse my grammar/spelling mistakes im just dumb😅

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