The A-bard-ination

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|Taras POV|

"Do you think its the best idea to be sending us to school?" I asked yawning, rubbing my eye as I woke up.

"No, but, you still have to go, but, if something happens, I want you to call me right. Away." Mom said.

"Alright! I get it" I said.
"Arent you going to wake hunter up?"

"No, he deserves a day off" Mom said.

"And I dont? I almost died yesterday!.... well... Y/N almost died yesterday..... but the emporers still hunting me too!" I said.

"Just go to school, and make sure to stay hidden" Mom said.

"Fine" I groaned.

Time skip

I was walking out of school when I heard Amity talking with Edric and Emira.

"Are you kidding me?! Shes- shes WHAT?!" Amity yelled.

"Mittens, calm down, its alright" Edric said.

"No its not alright! Shes helping the emporer! What does dad think about all this?! He has to intervine!" Amity said.

"We dont know, we havent talked with dad in a while, you know that" Emira said.

"I know I just.... cant believe she would do something like this!" Amity said.

"We cant either" Edric and Emira said.
"But you cant tell mom that we know, she'll kill us" Edric said.

"Ugh, fine" Amity said.

Emira and Edric got on their staffs and flew home, Amity just stood there angrily.

"Hey amity" I said.

"Oh hey tara" Amity said.

"Are you ok? I... I kinda overheard a little bit..." I said.

"..... my mom..... my mom is helping the emporer! And- and I cant do anything about it! I- I need to tell her what shes doing is wrong and to stop but.... but I dont want her to hurt Ed and Em, or dad, I just.... I dont know what to do....." Amity explained.

"Hey, just an idea, what if you bring me to your house, then I can ask your mom about what shes doing and me and you can confront her about it? That way, she wont know that Edric and Emira eavesdropped and told you, and then she'll stop! That sound good?" I asked.

"Y- yeah actually, thats a great plan" Amity said.

Time skip

"Hello mittens, and oh! Tara! What a pleasent suprise!" Odalia said.

"Hi odalia!" I said.

"So, what brings you here?" Odalia asked.

"Tara wanted to see the abomatrons, and the other stuff we had, she really likes our products" Amity said.

"Wonderful! Well, come with me, i'll show you to our warehouse" Odalia said.

Odalia showed me and Amity to the warehouse and we began walking through all their projects.

"So, alador creates ALL of these? On his own?" I asked.

"No, he has a few other people helping him, but they're not really important" Odalia said.

"Oh, so, who do you mainly sell to?" I asked.

"The highest bidder!" Odalia smirked.

"Who's the most recent highest bidder?" I asked.

"Why dont we talk about something other then these dirty inventions, how is your schooling going?" Odalia asked.

"Good, so, whos your most recent client?" I asked.

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