43. Mumbai

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Right now Rajveer Singhania is sitting between Romanos while his wife is in the room of Isabella.

Alessandro- Before we ask for help, we want you to know about our real identity.

Rajveer- I already know.

Romanos were confused.

Rajveer- I won't let my son date someone without knowing about their family.

Romanos nodded understanding.

Pierro- We need your help.

Rajveer - Alessa is like a daughter to me which I never had. I would do anything to help you find her. Tell me how can I help you.

Alessandro- Vivaan told us about your brother being the Indian Mafia. Vivaan actually  think alessa might be in Mumbai. We need his help.

Rajveer nodded.

Rajveer- I'll talk to them right now.

Rajveer called his brother Jaydev Sighania and told him the whole matter. Jaydev got ready to help Romano's on request of his brother and also because an innocent little girl was involved. Rajveer cut the call and informed Romanos about what Jaydev said.

Rajveer- He is ready to help. But he first want to confirm if Alessa is there. He doesn't want to waste your time if alessa won't be there. He asked for a day time to find about Alessa's location and also he asked for the video. It will help them to get some more clues about Alessa's location.

Romano gave him the video waiting for reply from India.


It's been 3 days since I am here. I have so many different cuts on my body. It feels like I am losing my life slowly.

They come and beat me whenever they feel like. But when mom saw all this without a hint of guilt on her face, that's when it hurts the most.

Right now, a doctor is treating me. He always cry whenever he comes to treat me saying that he doesn't have any choice as his family is being held hostage by these people. Still he sneak some painkiller and anaesthesia when he comes, but nobody knows about it.

Doctor- I am really sorry my child, Lord Ganesha would never forgive me.

Alessa- It isn't your fault.

Doctor- No matter how much I think about this situation but I can't forget the guilt I have. My child is a toddler, I am sorry I have to do all this for him. If I don't they said they'll kill him.

Alessa- That's okay sir. It's not like you doing it intentionally. Instead you are actually helping me by giving those painkillers and anaesthesia.

Doctor- If you could just give me your family's number, I might have tried to call them.

And right now I felt like a fool who never learnt her family's number for emergency because I thought my phone had the number and it's enough.

Doctor- Don't worry child, Lord Ganesha will do everything right.

Just than a man entered the room and asked the doctor if he is done and took him out of the room.

After some time, Mia,Adrian and Emilia came into the room.

Mia- Tch tch tch........ Poor alessa, look what they have done, they are so heartless, aren't they.

I glared at her which made her angry and she slapped me. 

Mia- Don't you dare to glare at me.

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