Chapter 3

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With radio playing quietly in the background and engine roaring ever so loud, the silence between us was quite uncomfortable. Dorian kept glancing at me with a careful corner of his eye making me wince every time he'd smile to his own delight. Casually laid back to his seat, he maneuvered the busy streets. The wind caressed my loose curls and it felt exceptionally nice to feel the breeze brush against my blushed cheeks. I've never been driven around in a convertible before and although the company was distressing to put it abruptly, I enjoyed what little satisfaction the ride gave me.

"I was thinking Spanish cuisine?" Dorian finally spoke, making me exhale just a little easier, as if I was holding my breath the entire time we were in silence.

"Ok." I nodded and just a thought of Paella sent my stomach growling ever so shamelessly. Or was it really the Spanish cuisine that made me so queasy with hunger all of a sudden?

Occasionally, the wind would whirl in tiny circles, bringing me closer to the divine musk of a man sitting next to me. For no apparent reason, or so I thought, my skin covered in tiny goose bumps and an arousing wave went across my entire body. Noticing the heat amplify between my thighs, I felt lost. 'Don't dare to give in, Sam. Don't you dare!' the voice inside kept screaming at me but it felt like I suddenly had two objecting voices in me - devil and an angel sitting on each side of my shoulders. One would tell to finally loosen up a little. Perhaps it was time to finally let go of the past. The other voice kept pushing the thought aside with a possible mistake that'll destroy my soul even more. I didn't know which of the voices were right but one thing I was certain of - Dorian King had a mysterious charisma, drawing me in closer by the second. A charm I wasn't able to resist. Slowly, I felt my wall crippling down. Deep down, I wanted to know more about this irresistibly gorgeous man. And most importantly, a small fraction within me, wanted to share more than an ordinary 'hi' with him.

When we finally reached a small family-run Spanish restaurant downtown, Dorian parked on the curb and killed the engine. Slowly turning his broad shoulders towards me, he smiled through his pressed lips and winked, the way he did back in his driveway this morning. Unable to control my impulse, I heaved heavily and felt my face flush bright crimson.

"I don't bite." He whispered seductively in a deep voice and trailed his tongue over his bottom lip, leaving a moist luster on his plumpness.

Did he really need to do this?

My core spasmed and clenched several times before I could regain my consciousness and wake up from his spellbinding gaze.

"Ok, let's go inside." Dorian's lips curved upwards once again.

I wasn't an easily approachable target, giving him just enough chance to indulge into his own casual pleasure. I could absolutely tell, he was a self-absorbent man who liked conquering women one after another. 'You'd be just a trophy kill,' the voice came back to my head.

Before he could come around the vehicle to open the door for me, I quickly jumped out and held onto my purse just a little tighter. If I need to run, I'll be ready.

"Good afternoon. Table for two?" A young girl greeted us at the doorway with an awkward smile and before we could say anything, she rushed us to a small square table in the middle of the restaurant. "Would you like to order some drinks before you go through the menu?" She tapped her foot and clicked the pen rather frantically. It looked like she knew Dorian, as she definitely didn't fret because of me.

"I'll have a pint of Cerveza, please." Dorian said without looking at the waitress. Instead, his eyes were burning a hole in my head as he sat in front of me with the table, which could have been a tad bigger, in between us. The lack of space was incredibly nerve-racking.

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