Chapter 21

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When I finally joined Dorian in the kitchen, I admired his ceaseless grit. Humming something cheerful under his nose, he kept beaming to himself as he waited for the pancakes to heat up in the microwave. I made my way to the table and plunged deep in the chair, feeling every bit of emotional drain plunder my spirit. When will this get any easier?

Dorian must have heard me sigh and turned to study my pale complexion. Pondering in silence for a second, he brought the plate with delicious breakfast up to me and sat down. "Eat up, you need some tint back to your cheeks." He encouraged and sliced a small piece of pancake with a fork. Dorian brought a small bite up to my lips and said, "AAAHHH," mimicking a devoted parent.

This is ridiculous! I am perfectly capable of eating by my self.

Nonetheless, I hesitantly parted my lips and a tiny bite found its way into my mouth. I bit the fork between my teeth and gnawed the pancake, purring unwillingly. It was truly heavenly on my starving stomach.

Dorian pierced another bite and smiling to his own delight, brought it up to my lips. This time I opened my mouth voluntarily and stole the pancake off the fork. The indulgence was rather surreal. Carefully, he picked up a paper serviette and wiped the corners of my lips with such precision, it felt like feathers brushing against my plumpness. His fierce blue stare didn't leave my face, jumping between my eyes and mouth. I could hardly figure out what was going through his mind but I knew he loved feeding me just as I was beginning to like this unprecedented attention.

Gazing over the curves of my mouth, he exhaled in despair as if I was a fruit he wasn't allowed to taste. Shaking his head, Dorian brought another bite up to my lips. Then another. Until the plate was empty. Licking my lips, I washed it all with orange juice then sat back to the chair. Intimidation was subsiding as soon as my stomach felt full and taken care of.

"Thank you." I drawled, unable to look away from his amorous gaze.

Dorian pushed the plate aside and moved an inch closer to me, "I want this to become a routine. Me feeding you." His smile grew wider.

There was something unfamiliarly tempting about his statement. Unable to think of any words to reply in return, I smiled back at him. My now tinted cheeks must have given more expression than I allowed.

"I've sorted the plane tickets for Friday. We're flying from L.A. after work." He distracted the heated tension that swiftly fell in what little gap the table held between us.

"Should I bring any formal attire?" I asked dubiously, and remembered that I didn't have any clothing for a formal occasion at all.

"I've asked Jeanette to take you shopping some day next week as she knows the dress code of our family meet-ups perfectly well."

"There's a dress code?" My eyes popped slightly wider as I stared at him astonished. I knew Dorian's family was rich but I didn't expect them to be so snobby.

"I'm not too fond of it myself but I can't counter my folks." Dorian's eyes started rummaging the kitchen in a sudden despair.

I sensed that talking about his Mother and stepfather was a delicate matter. Perhaps he was still paying the price of a ruined childhood. I couldn't help but presume he blamed his mother for not taking him away from his biological father sooner. I would absolutely feel that way if I was in his shoes.

Dorian stood up with a warm smile forming his lips once again. "I need to run few errands before a late lunch with Jeanette. We'll pick you up at three if it's ok with you."

I nodded briskly and stood up after him. Striding to the hallway, I crossed the hands across my chest and leaned my shoulder against a cold wall. "I'll see you later."

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