Chapter 22

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"Is that Jack?" Jeanette shot up from the table and ran all the way across the restaurant.

I squinted towards the rear end of the room at a small pedestal and saw Jack clutching on a small paper bag, presumably a take-away lunch. I then turned at Dorian's panic ridden face as he rummaged his leather wallet for cash. It was obvious, the two of them were no longer best friends thanks to me and my inability to adequately choose who I hang out with.

"Dorian," I exhaled, addressing him and leaned over the table to find his frantic gaze. "Why are you acting like this?"

"How am I supposed to act, Samantha?" Dorian's voice went cold as ice as he hissed through his pressed teeth. "As much as I want to ignore the fact that we're both fighting over a girl, I can't." He then sighed heavily and sagged deeper in the seat. "Because you're not just some girl. You're one of a kind..." He drawled his words and threw few bills on the table. "He visits you at night, brings you expensive champagne that I can't even afford myself and what do I have to offer what he doesn't?"

I had a feeling it wasn't a question. "You have to understand, it's all too new for me. You know my situation." Somewhere deep in my heart, I knew I shouldn't be playing my 'rape' card, but in moments like this, I felt that the world wasn't listening. Dorian wasn't listening.

Dorian ran his fingers over his hair and stood up. "I'll be waiting for you two in the car."

"Dorian..." I wanted to stop him but knew it won't make any difference.

I watched him bolt out of the restaurant in a hurry. Deep down, my heart ached to the point I wanted to start bawling my eyes out like a lost child and I knew it was just a matter of time before I do just that. My chest was in awful pain and I was the only one who could make amends to this situation. I need to draw a line before it's too late.

You're strong, Sam. YOU'RE STRONGER THAN EVER! But was I?

I quickly downed the remaining wine out of my glass - perhaps for courage, perhaps for the growing nerves, and started slowly walking towards Jeanette and Jack.

"Sam..." Jack's smile faded into a thin line as soon as I came to stand beside his broad frame.

He planted a gentle and hesitant peck on my cheek and buried his gaze to his hands. I've never seen him so awkward before.

"Hi, Jack." I managed to squeeze a smile, "we were about to leave."

"I was on my way out anyway." He nodded in distress.

Unwillingly, I took Jeanette's hand into a tight grip and practically dragged her out through a single glass door. To my surprise, Jack didn't follow us, instead he stood frozen until we disappeared across the street.

"Was that really necessary?" Jeanette arched her perfectly plucked eyebrows in astonishment.

"I'm sorry." I breathed out quickly as we approached Dorian's Volvo. "I'll tell you all about it next time we meet."

"I think I have an idea what's going on here." She nodded reassuringly and added, "but you can trust me."

I wasn't sure why, but I felt like Jeanette and I will make good friends in the future. I could already tell we had clicked perfectly well.

Dorian sat in the front seat with his fingers wrapped around the steering wheel in an iron, white-knuckle grip. He didn't move a muscle when I sat next to him and slammed the doors behind me. It was painful to see him so bitterly cold, almost unrecognisable.

We drove in a dreadful silence. Jeanette sat with the cell in her face at the back seat whilst I kept wincing through an open window. Every time my lips parted to form an apology of some sort, they'd soon shut back into a thin line with an aching question over my head - will this ever be over? I wanted to get to know Dorian before I jumped into his ship too soon. On the other hand, I didn't want to give false impression to Jack, who so openly proved his undeniable attraction towards me. I liked them both and the time was quickly running out before I had to make up my mind and let one man inside my heart. I was still hoping that it'll become obvious who to choose but as the days dragged out, it became harder to live up to my expectations.

"I think it's best we don't see each other until the flight." Dorian bit out through his teeth inaudibly, I nearly mistaken his mumble to the whistling wind.

Slowly, I turned to look at his sorrowed grimace and to my disappointment, he didn't give a second glance to my direction. Instead, his eyes were solely focused on a light traffic ahead of us. My eyes watered involuntarily. "Why?" I swallowed back the tears.

"Because I can't handle knowing you like Jack too. I'm giving you the time you've so insistingly begged."

"But, Dorian..." I chocked on the dry lump in my throat, not paying any attention to Jeanette, who was listening to our conversation.

"I think it'll be for the best." He spat out harshly and slowed down the vehicle as soon as we arrived in our neighbourhood. "Five days to make up your mind." Dorian finally turned at me and I've noticed his eyes grow wearily resistant to my gaze.

I nodded and felt a stinging tear trickle down my cheek. I started shaking unrecognisably to my own disbelief. "I'll see you on Friday, if I will." I stammered through the gushing salty rivers. I didn't bother turning around to say goodbye to Jeanette who, I presumed, understood my disrespect.

"You will." Dorian remained seated and turned off the engine.

That is when I realised - the week ahead will be a dire test that I'll need to pass. Crucially.

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