Chapter 32. The End

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"What are the odds for Cynthia to reside in Raddison out of all the hotels in the city?" I uttered quickly, trying to catch up with Dorian's long strides across the busy street.

"I don't know but I'm going to find out." He said and gestured for me to get into the back of Maserati with Gregory behind the wheel.

"Dorian?" I looked at him confused when he didn't join me at the back.

"I'll meet you in the mansion in half-an-hour." Dorian's gaze became hard and painful to look back at.

"Are you letting me travel on my own? No way!" I screeched nervously.

"You're with Gregory. He's a war veteran as well as trained body guard. I don't know anyone you'd be safer with right now. Jack will take over once you're there."

"How about yourself?" I shot back and tried to climb out of the vehicle when Dorian rudely slammed the doors shut and banged his fist against the rooftop twice.

Gregory sped in a light traffic whilst I sat back to the seat, absolutely bewildered. How can he do this to me? I could be with a best presidential security guard, I would still need Dorian by my side.

"Miss Beales?" Driver addressed me, looking at me wide-eyed through the rear-view mirror. "Mr King will do anything in his power to keep you safe."

Cocking my head back to the seat, I blew out and squeezed my eyes shut. Trying to stifle a growing scream deep within my lungs over a rooting fear was harder than I imagined. Taking several deep breaths, I rummaged my clutch for the cell. Anna's text flashed bright on the screen.

"I'll land at 19:45. Text me the address where I should meet you."

Quickly tapping on a reply button, I managed to type a short message before my fingers numbed and filled with pins and needles.

"There will be an escort waiting for you outside when you land. They'll bring you to me. Don't do anything reckless."

Right before I slid my cell back into the bag, I've decided to check my e-mails just in case. A new mail message was highlighted in black bold colours that didn't have a sender's name next to the subject line. Hesitating for a second, I opened the e-mail and felt my stomach knot.

" 'Some things are better forgotten. Some people will be forgiven. Whilst my flare will burn until your roses wither.'

I'll watch you decline in your own pity, Sam."

My hand slammed against my mouth with a loud slap as I sat staring at the screen, reading the lines over and over like a broken record.

"Miss Beales, are you ok?" Gregory asked and twisted at me when we came at a halt by the traffic light.

"I... I'm fine. Thanks." I swallowed hard and threw the cell out of my sight, skirting driver's gaze.

'This isn't happening. This is just a dream.' I kept repeating to myself as I leaned my head back to the seat. It was beyond my understanding how they found me in New York. Most importantly - how the hell did Dan avoid prison sentence after all that he's done? Perhaps having a father in NYPD helped him after all. Furrowing my brows, I tried to shake the thought of Dan actually confronting me in the mansion tonight. Only if I had a gun and him in front of me, I'd...

"We're here." Gregory announced and killed the engine.

It was barely past seven in the evening and the sun was slowly setting down, painting the light clouds in the sky beautiful orange and yellow. I wished from the bottom of my heart that I could at least enjoy myself in Dorian's company tonight but reality twists and turns its knife every time I'm a step closer to happiness.

"Samantha." Jack's voice brought me back from a long thread of thought. "How are you holding on?"

Standing next to the Maserati, he extended his hand and wrapped his fingers around my palm as soon as I placed my hand in his.

"I don't know." I admitted, taking a deep breath and sliding out of the vehicle. "Is Dorian here yet?"

"No." Jack shook his head and before I could scream why the hell not, he quickly added, "but he's driving here as we speak. He asked me to keep you under a constant supervision until he arrives."

"And so it begins all over again. A cursed circle of Samantha Beales." I exhaled sharply and hooked my hand around Jack's elbow, then followed him into a big mansion.

It looked spectacular with beautifully trimmed front garden, two Roman columns standing tall by a wide double door entrance and many security guards surrounding the entire private land. There was no doubt, Carter family was richer than I have pictured before. Nonetheless, their lavish lifestyle was the last thing on my mind. All I cared about was how to put an end to this ridiculous revenge plot Daniel has rooted against me.

"Don't say that." Jack said in a whisper as we walked through the door into a large lobby with many strange faces gathering around in small circles with drinks in their hands. They all looked happy and relaxed - just few things amongst others I won't be able to enjoy until Daniel is no longer a threat.

"Sam!" Jeanette appeared out of the crowd and ran towards us with her hands stretched for a hug. "I swear most of those people are ancient ruins! Finally, a young face in the crowd." She giggled and wrapped her skinny arms around my shoulders.

"Hey to you too." I smiled coyly and let go of Jack's hand, then brought Jeanette in for a short hug.

"Where's Dor?" She asked, looking past us.

"He had some things to deal with. He's coming." Jack replied sharply and waved for a caterer. "Drinks?"

"Yes, please!" I said without thinking and grabbed a tall champagne flute from a round tray young woman was balancing in her hand.

Downing the entire content of the glass in a long gulp, I felt lightheaded within seconds. Having an empty stomach didn't help either.

"Slow down there!" Jeanette chuckled.

She wore a beautiful red skin-tight dress with a deep décolleté​, highlighting her fine slim figure perfectly. With her hair carelessly curled in big waves and a light make-up, Jeanette looked as if she has stepped out of a catwalk show just minutes ago. A wide pearly smile added to an overall image of a young, happy and carefree woman. I could almost admit I looked up to her.

"Come, I want you to meet someone." She shrieked and grabbed my hand.

"Jeanette." I've noticed Jack scowl Dorian's sister but it was too late - I was being dragged deeper into the crowded room.

"Can we meet your friend later? I don't think it's a good idea right now." I tried to stop her but she wouldn't listen.

Jeanette finally paused by a small group of people and patted a tall girl's shoulder. A short cropped bob and the sweet floral perfume that seemed so familiar had me at an absolute jolt.

"Sam, this is my friend Lola." I almost chocked back the champagne as soon as Jeanette's friend turned around to look at us. "Lola, this is Samantha. Dorian's girlfriend."

"How lovely to finally meet you, Samantha. Jeanette has told me quite a bit about you." A snide smile curved the woman's lips as she extended her hand towards me.

"I need some fresh air!"

I braced my way through the crowded room when it became harder and harder to breathe. I heard Jack's concerned voice follow from behind but I didn't dare to look back. I was afraid she'll come after me - Lola, Cynthia - whatever her name was. Panting heavily, I ran outside, as far away from everyone as possible.

"Sam, wait!"

"Go away, Jack!" I begged, feeling an icy lump in my throat suffocating me slowly.

"What on earth happened?" He caught up and sat me down on one of the benches in the front garden.

I took a quick scan around myself and looked up at Jack, who sat right next to me, looking confused as ever. "Cynthia is here. And Dorian isn't back yet. It's all my fault." I felt my heart drum fast in my ears, creating an illusion I was in an agonisingly loud space.

"Cynthia? As in Dan's Cynthia?" Jack's brows arched as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

"She's with Jeanette. Pretending to be someone else. Please tell me I'm dreaming." A gush of tears flowed shamelessly down my burning cheeks.

"Calm down." Jack pleaded desperately, "I know this is all too much for you right now. Perhaps you're mistaking. Cynthia can't possibly be in this mansion."

"We met her in the elevator on our way here, Jack. She was in Raddison." I spoke quickly, unable to catch my breath. For a second, I thought I was having a vicious panic attack.

"Let's call Dorian, ok? I'm sure it's all just a misunderstanding." Jack shook his head and slid his hand into the inner pocket of his suit jacket. "Where are you? I see. Well, hurry!"

The conversation was rather quick but if Dorian picked up his cell, that means he's ok. Dorian's ok!

"See, all is fine. He'll be here in ten minutes." Jack's hand reached for a wayward strand of hair on my forehead. "Should I get you anything? Water? Champagne?"

"No, don't leave me alone, please." I wiped a wet trail of tears with the back of my hand and stared into nothingness in front of me.

We sat quietly for the next ten, maybe fifteen, minutes. Time seemed to have stopped and the pain in my chest grew into an unmistakable fear that lingered until I saw a car pull up in the driveway. My eyes shot wide and without thinking, I ran across the garden to the silver Mercedes. Dorian climbed out all sweaty, his tie loose around his neck and I thought I saw a speckle of blood on his collar.

"Thanks God you're ok!" I screamed and wrapped my hands around him.

Sweaty and tired, Dorian rested his lips on my forehead then exhaled sharply. "It's over, Samantha. Daniel's gone."

I pushed away and looked up at his weary eyes. "What do you mean?"

"They shot him. He's dead." Dorian stared into me but it was clear, he wasn't looking at me. He was piercing me in a shock-ridden, plead-like gaze.

My heart hit the floor with a loud thud in my throat. "Dead?"

Dorian nodded with his lips pressed into a thin hard line.

"But you didn't kill him? Someone else did?" I asked, searching his face.

"It was a patrolling police officer. Daniel fired at me but he missed."

"Are you sure you're ok? We have to take you to the hospital to get you checked."

"No, I'm fine. I'm fine now."​

"But what about Cynthia? She's here."

"I know. Police will be here soon." Dorian said reassuringly.

"What a great family gathering." I exhaled in a whisper, trying to hold it together. "If I hadn't come over, none of this would have happened."

Dorian brought his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him, "I love you, Samantha Beales. And there's nothing I'd change. Except maybe Daniel's death. I should have killed him sooner when I had a chance."

He held me in his embrace and time froze once again. Feeling Dorian's protective body pressed against mine made me realise how lucky I was to have him. I will never let him go. Dorian King has ignited a long lost feeling deep within and for this, I will forever be his soulmate.

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