Chapter 3: Secret

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He kissed me. My crush kissed me.

Many relieving but also happy thoughts came rushing through my mind. I kissed him back (I mean, when your crush kisses you first?!) and after a few seconds, which felt like hours, we broke that kiss.

"Wh- what was that for?" I asked, blushing uncontrollably and also a bit flustered by what happened.

"Uhm, well, I don't like to see you miserable and maybe... I may like you very much.." After he said the last part a little grin crept on my face.

"I like you too" I said. His face immediately lit up and he jumped on me and literally smashed his lips against mine. I, of course, kissed him back and he wrapped his legs around my waist.

"Are we a couple now?"

"Maybe" he said and got up.

--------------------------------------Time Skip-----------------------------------------

We stand in front of the front door. I prepare myself to go to my so called 'Home' and after I was ready, mentally and physically, I got up from the ground after I tied my shoelaces. We stood there, staring into each other's eyes before I spoke up: "Should we keep it a secret? I mean, I'm still not prepared to come out to everyone and you're the new kid..."

"Oh, yeah of course we can! I don't want to force you." He said with a warm and reassuring smile. I hugged him tight and after a few seconds of us hugging each other, we broke the hug and I said goodbye before walking out the door.

Now here I am, laying on my bed and wondering how school will be. I hope no one finds out soon. I'm texting my online best friend and told her about today and other things, like that's my birthday soon. She said she has a huge surprise for me. I wanted to know what but she doesn't want to even give me a hint.

We went on talking for 15 minutes till she had to go to bed and so did I. I was pretty tired so I got to sleep quickly.

The next day I woke up to a sore throat, a dripping nose and not feeling well at all. I felt like I was going to die I felt so weak. I texted my now boyfriend and told him that I'll stay home today. I mean, I don't want to come to school looking half-dead.

Andy <3

Heyyy, uhm I can't come to school today.
I feel very sick :(

Oh no.. After school I'll come to you
I swear!!

NO! Please. No one knows that I have a friend
Neither that I'm gay so please don't. I'll find a
Way out and I'll come to you okay?

Fine but please be careful and don't
hurt yourself ok? I gtg now bye <33

Okay see you later <3

And with that, he went to school. How I know? I saw him through my window and the text message he sent me. Anyways

A few hours later, I felt a little bit better and not as weak as today morning. I made sure that no one's in the house and went outside through the front door, closing it behind me. I went to him, feeling worse again. As soon as I got to his front door, I knocked and then my knees literally died and I collapsed to the cold, painted wood.

"Fuck" I mumbled, my paws hurting of the hard impact. Then the door opened and Andy stood there, looking down at me worried.

"Let me help you up", he said before I felt two strong arms grab my torso and pulling me up. "Sorry, my knees are fucking shit", I told him, ashamed of my weakness. "Pfft, it's nothing." He brought me in, closed the door behind us and helped me get up to his room. Seemed like he was alone, because I couldn't see his father anywhere. I got into his room and plopped straight into his bed. I felt much weaker than ever in my life. Maybe it was just a bad flu? I don't know.

Anyways, Andrew brought me an extra blanket and then sat next to me, looking at my weak figure. I sighed, looking into his eyes quickly and then to the floor. "What's wrong?" He looked at me, his ears dropping. I tried to speak, but nothing came out. "Naww, should I go and bring some tea?" I nodded. He quickly got up and headed to the kitchen. I used the time I was alone and scanned his room. It was organized for sure and his furniture was either grey or white. Pretty nice choice of color for me. He also had many posters of his favorite singers and bands, and many LED's all over his room. Soon after I looked at everything, he came in with a cup of some steaming hot tea in his paws. I tried to sit up but I couldn't do it alone. He put the cup onto his desk and went to help me sit up. With his help I got it and he gave me the cup of tea. I tried to take a sip, but it was that hot that it instantly burned my tongue. I put the cup aside and tried to swallow it, I did, but then it felt like my whole body was burning.

"Oww" I cried out. "Why's it so hot?" I askedin a raspy voice, turning to him. "Uh, sorry, I should've set it to a lower temperature" he said, scratching his head as a nervous gesture. "It's okay", I said, laying back down because my head started hurting. Soon after, I fell asleep, hugging the blanket.

A few hours later, I heard talking, as if the tv is on, but after a few seconds of my eyes adjusting to the light, I saw Andy laying in front of me watching a what seems like YouTube video on his phone. I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him closer to me. He turned off his phone and turned around, looking me in the eyes. "You've slept a bit long, you know that?" "H- how long?" I asked, eyes widening. "Um that long that it's now dark outside. Don't worry, we told your mother that you're sleeping here tonight."

I let out a sigh of relief and closed my eyes again, tired. I don't know what happened next, because the next thing I knew I was sleeping peacefully in the arms of my boyfriend.

I AM SO SORRY THAT IT TOOK SO LONG!! These past months were hard and stressful, that's why I couldn't finish and post this chapter. But now that there's Christmas break soon, I'll post more often so that you don't have to wait that long. I'm sorry again! 😭

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