Chapter 8

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Long story short: we bought everything we wanted or needed and went back home and unpacked the things and bla bla. You know.

Anyways, it was a few days ago. I'm in my workspace, looking at the statistics and other things that I have to do. Suddenly, I get a call from my boss.

"What's wrong?"

"You have to come here, now. A Motorclub, better to say, the biggest one with the most guns, hacked into our system and found our headquarters. They're on their way. Get all your ammo and come here as ASAP."

With that he ended the call. I turned off my laptop, standing up, packing all my guns into my bag and rushing our of the house. Andy saw me and asked what's happening, and I replied with: "An emergency in the headquarters. I'll be back soon."

I got into my car, starting it up and turning on the Navi. I started driving as quick as possible.

I got there in under 1 1/2 hours and, luckily, I was quick enough. They still weren't there. I rushed inside, opening my bag and getting the biggest machine gun I had, getting into place.


These missions are driving me crazy. Because of them we weren't able to go on a date or do anything together anymore. I just want to spend time with my boyfriend.

This night I couldn't sleep. I was always thinking about Chase. How is he right now? Is he hurt? Is he maybe dead ?

My mind always does these things, to depress me. I always have that thought, because he himself said, that there isn't a 100% chance he will return back. When I think about his words I start to tear up and my mind just makes it worse.

I went to the kitchen to get a glass of water when I heard the front door open and close. I turned around, but before I could, I felt strong arms wrap around me. I immediately knew it was him. I turned around, still in his arms, looking up to look at his beautiful face. It was dark, but I still saw that he had blood stains on his cheeks. He seemed to notice my look and said: "it's blood from another person. Not mine." I let out a sigh of relief.

"I thought you would stay there longer", I mean, it was only 6 hours ago when he left. It is, to look at all his missions, the shortest one.

"No, they weren't that much. Anyways, I'll go shower, I don't want to make my little puppy red", as soon as he said that my cheeks heated up. I've never heard that pet name before coming out of his mouth.

After a few seconds, he left to shower. I went back to the bedroom, waiting for him. He came back a few minutes later, all wet with only a towel hugging his hips. God, he looks so hot.

"Are you hungry?"


"Are you hungry? I am starving", he said, putting on boxers and another suit.

"Well, where do you wanna go? Cooking here is not a good idea, because dad could wake up"

"That's why we're going to a restaurant. Only we two. Alone." I got more and more excited and nearly screamed "Yes!"

"Shhh!" Chase hissed. I forgot that my dad was sleeping. I mouthed a 'sorry' and went to the closet to find something good to wear.

"I'll wait in the car for you, okay?"



I waited for him in my car, as said. I saw that the elevator was coming down, and then I saw him. He is wearing a white suit with a red bow tie, black pants and a watch that isn't his. I took a better look at it and realized it was mine. It's fine though, he is allowed to take what he wants. Only my laptop is forbidden for him. No one is allowed to see what I do, only I am.

He got in the car, closing the door behind him and putting on the seatbelt. "You look fucking hot" I exclaimed, starting the car.

"Thank you"

"Wanna listen to some music?"

"Sure." I gave him my phone, because it was connected to the car already and he chose what song to play. He chose his favourite songof course. Flare by Hensonn. It's a nice song, only that what I hear is: "If you were a vegetable, you would be a cucumber." Idk if that's right or not, but it's still kinda funny. Overall this song is pretty nice.

We arrived at the Restaurant. It was a five star Restaurant where only rich people go, because the prices aren't small. Andy knows that I have really much money in my bank account, so he isn't surprised. I parked and we got out. I locked the car and we both went in.

"Hello there gentlemen, table for two?"

"Yes please", and with that he lead us to a table with two seats and a mind blowing view to the city.

"Wow" is what I heard. I smiled, looking at his face. Andy mouth is wide open, which means that he's stunned.

We sat down and the guy rom before brought us the menu's. He also lit up a candle, putting it in the middle.

"Your Waiter will be with you soon." And with that he went away, giving us time to look at what we wanted to eat. I chose, obviously, a steak with a side salad. Andy chose smoked salmon with some other things. He loves salmon.

"Hello, gentlemen. I am Samantha, your waitress for tonight. Did you already choose what you want or do you want some more time?"

"We already chose."

We ordered and I also ordered a wine for us both.

Our food arrived sometime later. The steak was really delicious and Andy also seemed to like what he got.

As we finished, I paid for it and we went back home.

"That was delicious" My boyfriend said.

"Yeah, it was."

"We should do this more often. I miss the time we couldn't wait to see each other" This is what hit me. I was that focused on my work that I completely forgot about us.

We got home and I went straight to the bedroom. Andy went it the bathroom to brush his teeth. As long as he was there, I took off my clothes, leaving only my underwear on. We haven't kissed for a really long time, let alone had sex. He turned me on with his outfit.

*Slight nsfw warning*

He came back from the bedroom. As soon as he saw me, he opened his muzzle wide, then it turned to a smirk as he saw the bulge under my boxers.

"Wanna fuck?"

"Fuck yeah!"

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