Chapter 11

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I am in a beautiful villa, sleeping peacefully in a really comfortable bed. Next to me is Andy, the love of my life.

I get ripped off of my sleep because of a baby crying. It pierced through my ears and I got up immediately. I then saw a baby wolf, all black fur but his little jawline is fully white, laying next to me on it's little bed. I reached for the milk as soon as possible and got the baby out of the little bed, onto my lap, and gave it the milk. It quicky got quiet when it drank the milk. As it drank it all, I put the empty bottle on the nightstand and sang a little song, so that it fell asleep. The song I sang was the one my father was always singing or humming for me when I couldn't fall asleep. I miss him so much.

Then I woke up. I looked at my surroundings. I was laying on the bed I was sharing with Andy, him sleeping next to me peacefully. I sighed, getting comfortable again, thinking about my dream. I really want to create a family. Adopt a baby, getting married, being parents.

I sighed again, knowing were still too young for a baby. Maybe soon, I told myself quietly. Andy was hugging my waist, his head on my chest and his legs interwined with mine. He looks so peaceful, so full of positive energy and warmth. He looks really adorable.

I tried to slowly get my phone from the nightstand to make a photo. I took my phone, opened the camera app and made a selfie with him laying on my face. I then opened my gallery app, going to the picture I took and set it as my wallpaper. Now I can always see his adorable face.

By the way, yesterday we invited Hiroshi for dinner. He got to know Ryan, who got along with him pretty well.

A few minutes later, I'm looking at him with awe while he's peacefully sleeping next to me. He wakes up after I shifted a bit, because it got uncomfortable in the position I was in. Shit.

"Hey there, pup" I greeted him, his eyes still half closed. He yawned before saying: "morning" It seemed like he started processing what I said just now fully, because of the confused look of him seconds later.


"What's wrong with it?"

"Nothing, uhm.. I kinda like it, to be honest. I didn't know we're giving each other pet names now, heh.."

"Yeah, uhm well, I thought it was cute, that's why. Anyway, we gotta get ready. I forgot to tell you, Hiroshi needs our help. He has a huge tree in his back yard that needs to get a few branches cut. Otherwise it'll be too big and would destroy the house in a heavy storm."

"Oh, uhm.. alright. But why does he need our help?"

"Well he can't climb trees, I can. So I'll be cutting the branches, and you will help him pull them aside, so they don't lay everywhere."

"Hm, okay."

"Wear something that is old, because it can get ripped because of sharp ends. You never know."

"Okay, okay. But we'll eat first, right?"

"Oh, yeah, of course! Let me get straight to work."

"You will not change?" By the time he asked, I was already at the doorframe.

"Why should I? We fucked 2 or 3 times already and I don't look as bad as I did a few years ago. And Ryan is okay with it"

"Fine. Can you do pancakes? They always taste so delicious."

I chuckled. "Okay, pup." I went to the kitchen, prepared everything and started doing pancakes. When the first one finished, I got three plates out and put it on one of them, and so on, until everyone had four of them. I searched for the Maple syrup and didn't find it.

"Where is it?" I went on searching and found it in the fridge. I furrowed my brows, wondering who put them there. I just shrugged that thought off and put everything on the table. I prepared a coffee for me and two hot chocolates for Ryan and Andy. Ryan, surprisingly, doesn't drink coffee for any reason whatsoever. Soon, both of them appeared in front of me, sitting down. I smiled at Ryan, greeting him with a warm good morning, and we all started eating. I got my knife and cut the top pancake in little squares. I saw a fork slowly making it's way to my plate and I saw Andy stealing a piece and putting it in his mouth.

"Oi! That's mine!" Silence. Then I realized that my accent slipped out. Both Ryan and Andy were flabbergasted. Andy started blushing and on Ryan's face appeared a grin.

"You.. you're British?" Ryan asked.

"Uh.. yeah..?"

"Oh. My. God. That is so cool!" Andy screeched. I started blushing out of embarrassment, even though it's nothing to be embarrassed of. When the situation cooled down, we went on eating.


We got to Hiroshi's driveway, parking my car. Andy and me went out simultaneously and I locked the car afterwards, which make a small honk, signaling it locked. We approached Hiroshi, who already prepared everything, waiting for us. He and I did our usual handshake and Andy just waved shyly.

"So," I clapped my hands together, being more excited than I should be "let's start?"

"Fine by me"


I climbed the tree up with an electric saw hanging on a thick rope securely next to me. Hiroshi then yelled from down: "you forgot the marker! Wait I'll throw it up to you!" I looked down, him throwing the marker. I caught it with my left hand, my right one grabbing the nearest branch for balance, so I don't fall down. He started telling me which branches have to get away and I marked them. I put the marker into my pocket and grabbed the saw, starting with the one nearest from me. It was a little hard, because the wood is really dense and thick. When it detached from the rest of the tree, I almost crashed onto Hiroshi and Andy, causing them to run away as fast as possible.

"Oopsie" I yelled. Both of them glared at me but then went on to pull it to the side, so everyone still can walk around without an obstacle on the way.


It took the whole day for us, because the tree was so huge and many braches had to get away. We finished at around 4:35 PM and went straight home.

While on the way home we talked about funny moments which happened today and I also explained him how I ended up in the US. Basically my parents and I lived in Britain until I was 7, and then my father got accepted to a job in America. That means, we all had to move. After moving, approximately 6 months later, they had a huge fight with physical activity in it, so I called the police. I was scared to death because I hate seeing both of them fighting because of lies this badly. Eventually they divorced. My mom said that he cheated, my dad says that she just wanted to leave him because she found a new one. We ended up in court and my mother won the case. My father was devastated, because he couldn't see me ever again. My mother didn't want that I see him ever again.

"So, yeah. This is how I end up here."

"I'm sorry for what happened."

"It's fine. It was 9 years ago, anyway."

"By the way, your accent is cute. I like it." As he said it, my lips turned to a smirk. Then I said in a flirtatious British to him: "So, you like my accent?"

"Stoop, you make me weak"

"That's good~"

"Aaaaah! Stop!" I laughed. He really seemed to love my accent. He's the first one who knows I'm British. No one else, except Ryan, of course.

We got home, me opening the car door and then the front door, the gentleman I am. I closed the door behind me and went straight to the bathroom. "I really need a shower now." I muttered.

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