Chapter 10

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The next morning I woke up to the alarm, of course, Chase didn't hear it. Even though we're going a bit late I put the alarm to 10 minutes slumber. He has his arms wrapped around me and his face in the crook of my neck. His legs wrapped around my hips, making it really difficult for me to escape his grasp.

Ten minutes later the alarm went off again. Surprisingly, Chase woke up too. We both were still in that position.

"Morning my little prince" He said in his sexy morning voice.

"Morning my big king"

We got up after a few seconds of eye contact. I went to the bathroom to shower, and Chase went to the kitchen preparing breakfast. Before I went to the shower I heard my dad talking with him. I am really happy that both of them are getting along so well.

After showering I dried myself and went to the kitchen to, obviously, eat my boyfriend's breakfast. I swear he does the best breakfasts I've ever had. Today it was pancakes.

They were delicious, as always. I still don't know how he does them so good. We all ate silently until Chase's phone rang. It was his work phone.

"Hello?... Mhm.. alright... Should I go now? As soon as possible? Alright I'll make my way ASAP."

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know, there is a gang that wants to steal our supplies. I have to make sure my boss is safe, because I'm his assistant and lifeguard. No school today for me and you."

"It's okay, go. Please make sure to call me when they're gone."

"I will." And with that he ran into the closet, stepping out with his bulletproof vest and a big shotgun. All of his weapons are well hidden in a safe attached to the wall. I didn't even know where it was until he showed me. It's incredibly well hidden, to be honest.

He dashed out, giving me a quick kiss and saying he loves me more than anything. When he closed the front door I started silently crying, like every time. Why, you might think? Every time he goes to a mission it's a 50-50 chance he'll come beck or not. Even if he'll come back with wounds and scars, I would be more than happy to see him again, because he's alive and breathing.

Dad sat next to me, calming me down, but to no avail. The things that flash through my mind are just too big. I always see pictures in front of me, him being unconscious laying on a hospital bed or even lifeless. These pictures haunt me everywhere and everytime he's away.

I thought about my life and how it'll go on without him. 8 or 9 hours ago he left, leaving me alone in this huge apartment. How will I pay the rent without him? How will I live my dream without my soulmate? How will I.......

Two hours later, I was fast asleep on the couch, when I woke up to my phone ringing. I jumped up, thinking it was chase, and it, indeed, was him.

"Babe!! You're alive!" I screamed into the phone, crying. It seem weird, I know, but items very first relationship... Ever.

"Yes, yes I am. I just wanted to say that I'll come home tomorrow. I have to help my boss here a bit. Some supplies got stolen anyway and they have to get either destroyed, or, brought back. I'll help him, so it'll be easier for us to get them back. Good night, my love. I will see you soon. Sweet Dreams."

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