Chapter 5...

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Before the chapter begins: Happy New year to everyone! 2022 was not cool (for me) so I hope this year will be better.. ANYWAYS, BACK TO STORY


I was in my room, listening to music on my phone. One song really caught my eye. Parents by Yungblud.

"My Daddy put a gun to my head
Said if you kiss a boy I'm gonna shoot you dead
So I tied him up with Gaffa tape
And I locked him in a shed
Then I went out to the garden and I fucked my best friend..."

So basically about a gay boy coming out to his parents, the bad way. I'm still scared to come out to my mother and stepdad, because I heard that some  even kick them out of the house and all that shit. I'm still shocked that there are people in this world that are hating, even killing people that are not straight. Leave them be! Like, it's none of your business what they can do and what not.

After a couple hours sitting in my room either listening to music or writing in my diary (yes, I do that don't blame me) I got a message from an unknown number.


Hello, Are you Chase Denners?

... Yes, why?

I need you to come to the mall in the
Center of the town. Midnight.
No questions will be answered.
Either you come, or we'll come to you
Personally. Trust me, you don't want to,

Uhm... Okay I guess..

And: Don't bring anyone with you and
Leave your phone at home. Don't. Tell.

Okay okay

Good. See you in a few

Well that was weird. I hope this isn't some stupid joke of my little half brother.

It's nearly midnight. I go downstairs to the garage, grabbing my jacket on the way. I left my phone and everything that I could lose or could get destroyed in any way in my safe I hid in my room. I get on my bike, open the garage door a bit and left. The garage door closes automatically when it's not high enough.

I went to the mall, which is closed of course. I walk around a bit and then saw a matte black Porsche SUV standing there, lights on. I started approaching the car carefully and saw two guys standing there in fully black suits. They were well built with really broad shoulders and it seems like they're taller than me. I got scared and hid behind the car, which wasn't a good idea, because they, I think, have seen my ears.

"Who's there? Come up. Now." A deep, intimidating voice said. I slowly stood up, showing myself. Man, they don't look nice at all, more like scary. One of them, who I think is the boss of the other one, gives me a sign to approach him, I obeyed of course. As I approached him, my ears dropped and my tail was no longer up. I've never felt so scared in my life. He scanned me up and down with his red eyes, smirking.

"He's the one. Hop into the car.", He said, looking satisfied. I got into the back seat, still scared. Both of them got in too, and we started driving somewhere.

A few hours later, we got to a stop in front of a fully black house. There was an Initial next to the front door, an M. Before I know what happened, my door opened and I got knocked out.

I woke up in a room, sitting on a chair, but not tied up. The man from before got into the room, locking the door behind him. He sat down on a small couch that stood in front of me, crossing his legs.

"Sorry for the knockout before. Before I tell you everything, you have to promise me you're never gonna tell anyone about it. Ever. Here's the paper, Sign  down there." He gave me a pen and a paper. I Signed the paper and gave him back the pen and paper. He looked at it, nodding in response. "So, let me ask you one question: do you know who we are?" I thought a bit and then I realized: it's the Mafia. And not any Mafia, it's the biggest Mafia of the state. Their initial is an M, as I saw it before I got knocked out. As soon as I realized, my eyes widened and my ears perked up. This was enough for him, because the next thing he did was getting up from the couch and walking towards me. He said in his deep voice: "I am the leader of this Mafia. I was also the one who messaged you. We scan people near out headquarter, looking for new people to be in this Mafia. You seem like a good guy. Don't worry, we won't kill you. Anyways," he started walking around the room: "I have an offer for you. You will work with us, but you have to stay here for at least 6 months due to training. You will get food, clothes, everything you need, and if you do good at the tests we have for you, you could get to be my assistant. You can write only one letter to someone in your family or friends. If you don't agree to my offer, you'll have some consequences." After I processed everything, I agreed to stay there. He gave me another piece of paper, but it was empty, and a pen. I wrote a letter to Andy and Ryan, who else. It says:

"Hello my beloved boyfriend, Hello Ryan,
I just wanted to let you know that I am out of town for 6 months. Why you might ask? It doesn't matter. I'm in good hands. Please tell my mother that I went out of town for a cool down. Don't forget about me. I will come back after 6 months.

PS: I'll explain what happened when I come back.


And with that, he gave me a black envelope. I put my letter inside and gave it back to him. "Now everything is set! I will send the letter to the address right away. But before that, I'll show you your room where you'll be sleeping. Oh and I forgot to tell you, you'll get paid good money. But to get it, you'll have to go to missions when I tell you. You'll be like my assistant and assassin. That means you also have to kill some people." It felt like my dream came true. I always wanted to do that. Like in those games. "Okay!" I said, smiling.

He leaded me to the room, which wasn't small at all. It was all black designed  with a huge bed in it, a big desk with a comfortable looking chair, a big closet and also a big TV.

My now Boss interrupted the silence with a cough, saying: "This is where you will stay the whole time you're here. There's a bathroom on the right and yeah, that's it. I'll give you the plan on your training and other tomorrow. Now go rest. Some clothes are in the closet already, so you can change. I have to go now. Good night." "Good night, boss..?" "Boss." And with that he went away. I was incredibly tired so I was more than happy to get to sleep already.

The next day

It was a typical morning for me. I got out of bed, showered, then went downstairs. My dad went to get the mail and came back with a black envelope. I furrowed my brows and so did he. I went to look and stood beside him as he opened it. He started reading out loud: "Hello my beloved boyfriend, Hello Ryan, I just wanted to let you know that I am out of town for 6 months. Why you might ask? It doesn't matter. I'm in good hands. Please tell my mother that I went out of town for a cool down. Don't forget about me. I will come back after 6 months.
PS: I'll explain what happened when I come back.

I felt my world collapse. He left? Why? I started to tear up. My father noticed it and started hugging me. "Why does this happen to me?" I cried in his arms. "Shhhh. Everything will be okay. He said that he'll come back, so let's be patient. It's only January, that means, he'll come back June. Let's be patient and see what he has to say when he comes back. Okay?" I wiped my tears away, sniffling. "Okay."

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