11- Eastside

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                Turning to my savior I met a set of honey brown eyes on a pretty face. My favorite cousin Isabella or Bell as she preferred to be called. A wide smile stretched across my face as I let out a squeal.


"Kamia" she smiled coolly and laughed as I wrapped my arms wrapped around her in a tight huge.

As I squeezed her tightly her arms wrapped around my waist.

"Ooh now give her a little kiss"

Simultaneously we pulled apart wearing similar expressions.

"Lana you better get yo bum ass boyfriend!"

"That is disgusting, they're cousins " a sweet voice snapped trying her hardest to sound threatening.

Carrying two plastic cups the smile returned to my face as I gazed back at another cousin, the third triple of Bell and Imani, Illiana. She was adorable like she usually was with body glitter lightly sprayed against her chest and a little flower in her hair. She wore a pale pink strapless shirt that flowed loosely to intentionally hide her little pouch belly. Instead of wearing shorts like almost everyone was because of the weather she wore a pair of acid skinny wasted jeans and ended her look with a pair of plain flats.

Illiana was the nice one, out of the three. A total sweetheart and a breathing embodiment of the iconic phrase "sugar, spice and everything nice". She was curls, glitter, and pink. She was what every mother wanted her son to bring home but Illiana's kindness was also her greatest flaw.

She was nice, too nice.

Isabella on the other hand was a tough girl right now she was dressed in cut off shorts, flaunting the Medusa tattoo on her right thigh. There was white tank top underneath a large unbuttoned, short sleeve red flannel. And her long hair was simply pulled back in a ponytail underneath a red fitted baseball cap she wore backwards. he didn't back down to anyone and she had a tongue of venom that could surpass Imani any day of the week.  third of my female role models after my momma and Auntie Amber. Her confidence was one to be admired, she wasn't a fan of makeup, glitter or skirts.

It didn't stop a single guy from drooling over her, after all she was gorgeous and didn't need make-up. She was tall and slender like a super model and growing up with her mom and mine as role models there wasn't a single guy she didn't give a hard time. Unfortunately for Illiana she didn't have this confidence being about 30-40 pounds heavier than Bell her self esteem was incredibly low.

She lived for compliments even if they were lies.

Bell wrapped her arm around my shoulder.

"Be nice Bell, he is the host" Illiana insisted gently handing the drinks to a few of the guys surrounding her boyfriend.

(Ghidorah) -Book 3 Of DyvercityWhere stories live. Discover now