19- Brother

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          " Yo brother waiting for us?"

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          " Yo brother waiting for us?"


                Looking over at the man walking beside me, Carlo was once a light skinned pretty boy but over time his facial had grown like wild weeds sprouting out of his face from the scars on his cheeks it was patchy as hell. Tall and lanky Carlo looked like a starving bum but when it came to him looks really were deceiving. He was lethal and like myself had a tragic upbringing that the judges and jury's couldn't help but have pity for. At fifteen years old we were still charged as adults but instead of being hit with a fifteen year sentence like the lawyer told us to expect. We were only sentenced to ten years and was now being released five years early for "good behavior". This was done by the hands of a big wig Francisco "Frankie" Gambini.

                The man moved weight and products for the Ghidorah mafia and we only met by chance when Carlo and I tried to steal from one of his docks. In the beginning I don't know what it was, especially since no one working for him had darker skin than mine but Frankie took me and Carlo under his wing. Neither of us knew what the fuck we were getting into but it got us off the streets and away from sleeping on dirty floors next to dog shit in the foster homes.

We owed the man.

" Shit he better be" I spat meeting the gaze of one of the guards, I knew this guard from his beer gut and receding hairline. He was one of those old fucks that was stuck in the 1940's and was racist ass hell. He believed that all blacks were animals and didn't deserve freedom. We've shared more than a few words and I was sent to the infirmary a few dozen times at his hand. Right now I was anticipating running into him outside these walls because he was right.

I was a fuckin animal.

" How about you get that look off your face and open the fuckin gates" Carlo snapped sneering at Guard Holland. I didn't even try to stop the smile stretching across my face.

Carlo and I didn't share blood but ever since we were six years old he was my fuckin brother. We ran the streets of Dyvercity side by side, started our own operation then when the law finally caught with us we survived prison together.

" Bro chill" I laughed as Guard Holland spat at the ground in our direction at a loud beeping emitted through the air and the gates slowly began to pull open. Walking through the gates my smile widened and I tossed my head back with a deep inhale. Even the air on the outside felt better, cleaner, the clear blue sky was prettier than it had ever been. My skin warmed under the bright beaming sun. It was early and it was already getting hot. It was supposed to be the hottest summer yet but I didn't give a fuck.

I was finally out.

It was a good day.

"Karee! Carlo!"

(Ghidorah) -Book 3 Of DyvercityWhere stories live. Discover now