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" Hold on, hold on

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" Hold on, hold on. You mean to tell me you know Kash Anderson?" Yvonne asked leaning closer to the camera. Billie was contently listening while stuffing oatmeal cookies into her mouth. Samiya looked annoyed but for whatever reason she wasn't telling us why.

I shrugged. " Yeah, what's -"

"THE Kash Anderson??" She asked with emphasis.

I didn't understand why she was stressing about it. I shrugged again.

"Yeah? Mama knows his dad. I think they used to be friends or something"

This time Billies eyes widened and her chewing ceased.

"Your mom knows Corey Hendrix?"

Letting out a sigh my eyes rolled in mild frustration.

"What am I missing here? So what"

"Corey Hendrix is a fucking legend" Billie interjected excitedly. " I can't believe you know him and didn't get me an autograph!"

"I didn't know you were a fan"

"Uh hello do you know me at all?" -

-"Who cares about the dad as sexy as he is. Kash is just casually coming to your house to watch a movie with you. And I wasn't invited" "Yvonne pouted tugging at one of her ginger red lochs.

"It wasn't exactly planned" I confirmed watching Samiya. The more the conversation continued Samiya's features began to twist in a scowl.

"Isn't he like 20 and what are you doing with him Kamia. Does Henry know you about to be laid up under another guy?" Samiya spat impatiently

My stomach tightened as both Billie and Yvonne fell silent.

My relationship with Henry wasn't exactly a secret anymore and though my friends mostly seemed to understand. Samiya had a chip on her shoulder once the news reached her.

"I'm not sleeping with Kash, he's just my friend-"

My words fell short as a notification popped up and quickly opened it.

Kash- 10 mins away

"He's almost here. I gotta go"

"Have fun, I want every filthy detail" Yvonne smiled suggestively making Billie chuckle.

" And get me an autograph, Kash is Corey Hendrix' prodigy, once he's famous his autograph will be priceless" Billie added sternly wearing a casual smile.

"Fuckin thot" Samiya spat before swiftly leaving the group chat.

" What was that?" I asked as both Billie and Yvonne wore stunned expressions.

Yvonne sighed as Billie bit into her bottom lip. They knew something but weren't trying to tell me.

"Kamia you know we love you so you should know that Henry can't exactly be trusted"

(Ghidorah) -Book 3 Of DyvercityWhere stories live. Discover now