32- Do You Hear That Thunder?

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"Fuckin bastard"

The grumble that came from my throat was dry ass hell but it didn't compare to the crust that caked around my eyes. The deep frown that sat on my face caused my skin to sag and I groggily lifted up right and rubbed at my face. My phone vibrated against the side table and as I glanced at it my eyes rolled subconsciously. Whoever it was should've known it was way too early to be speaking to me. And it was who I guessing it was I really wasn't in the mood for it.

Tossing the blanket off of me I swung my legs over the edge and as soon as my feet touched the floor. My phone began to ring. Glaring at it I cursed out loud and snatched it off the charger.

"I swear someone better be fuckin dead for anyone to be ringing my phone this fuckin early" I snapped as I answered the call without even bothering to check and see who is was.

"Nigga who the fuck are you talking to like you're out of your mind!!!" -

My jaw clenched because I immediately recognized the voice belonging to Imani's girl, Jasmine. The bitch always had some fuckin problem with me. But after finding out about what happened with Capri and how her mom tried to get her to go to the hospital after the way I left her during our last fuck session. Supposedly there was a lot of tearing and Capri couldn't get the bleeding to stop for a few days. Still Capri refused to go, refused to write a police report against me. Her mom said she couldn't live there anymore because Capri was protecting a criminal so Capri moved in with Jasmine who just got her own janky apartment.

All of this was told me through Imani, since Capri was giving me the cold shoulder I didn't know anything about it.

But after my little announcement online supposedly Capri was "heartbroken". Now Jasmine was coming at me about it.

" All of you fuck niggas are the same, you know Capri is a ride or die how could you-"

"Listen here you dumb ass bitch, it's too fuckin early. If Capri has something she wants to say to me then she needs to call me. Go yap in Imani's ear if you need someone to talk to cause unless you're trying to come over and suck on my dick then get the fuck off my line"

She didn't get a chance to say anything before I ended the call and tossed my phone onto my bed. When I heard a subtle knock at my door.

It's too fuckin early.

With my pulse thumping underneath my hands I jumped off the bed raced to the door.

"What the fuck do you want!?"  I screamed slamming open the door and glaring back at an unamused Aaron.

"First of all shut the fuck up, your breath smells like horse shit and secondly drink this and stop being a bitch" he held out one of the two coffee mugs and as I took it, he stepped past me and into my room.

(Ghidorah) -Book 3 Of DyvercityWhere stories live. Discover now