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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Can you believe that he really had the audacity to say that shit to me?" Mia scoffed shaking her head and taking a sip from her wine glass as her fingers drummed impatiently against the glass top of the bar. She was anxious, angry and I fully understood why. Like me Kaleb was not an argumentative guy so him yelling back at her was completely out of his character. But Mia's rage was warranted because Kaleb wasn't much of a family man. He hardly ever showed up to any of Gabriel's lacrosse matches, Kamia's recitals, or Henry and Julian's basketball and football games. I knew a lot of what Kaleb did couldn't be done over the phone but he didn't really try to make time for his family. Today for example instead of apologizing he was pissed because his wife needed him. Not only was he angry with Nick but Mia too. Mia may not have noticed it and if she did she didn't bring attention to it. Kaleb's character always seemed to change when his brother Ellis was around. Ellis has disliked Mia from the moment he heard her name. They did not get along but with Ellis being his brother and Mia as his wife. He couldn't choose so he kept both but he often pushed Mia away when Ellis was around. Not verse versa.

Their brother hood bond was bullshit and Kaleb was wrong, so fucking wrong I wanted to knock his teeth out.

I didn't care for any bullshit excuse Kaleb could conjure up for his brother but I knew that Ellis was jealous of their relationship.

Hell I was too ..

When they were good, they were what everyone wanted in a relationship.

" He'll come around Mia, he always does" I assured 

"Or he'll act as if nothing happened.. like he usually does" Mia's close friend Michael Danza spat bitterly as he wiped down his bar. He owned a low-key bar that specialized in bar snacks and drinks that had to be set on fire. It was late, after 1 am and we were the only ones left in building.

Michael shrugged as I met his gaze.

" Why are you fanning the flames?"

"I would say I'm stating facts"

As my mouth opened my gaze snapped to Mia, her delicate fingers gripped the glass so tightly it looked to be on the verge of shattering.

"Mia" speaking softly I put my hand on her shoulder.

Ever since what happened with Nick.. Mia's mental health has gotten worse. She's easily triggered and as she tries to hold her together she seems to fall apart faster. The line between reality and fantasy blurs intensely it's like a haze and Mia loses herself. Nick's greatly unappreciated visit was taking a toll on her. I hope she doesn't need to be admitted again.

The Amato home... It can barely function without Mia..

She shivered a little as she let out a deep breath.

(Ghidorah) -Book 3 Of Dyvercityحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن