27- The Issues of The Beautiful

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"Okay." I breathed as I stared back at my own reflection, I looked as worried as I felt and the trembling nauseous feeling in my stomach was causing my skin to appear pale.
With another deep breath I focused trying to calm my nerves.

"Okay, okay, okay I'm just going to tell Bell we need to leave. I need to leave" my eyes flooded with hot tears as Nico's face appeared at the back of my mind. His expression was so maniacal, so cold.. the worst part was that I was ashamed of myself. I'd fantasized about Nico, I'd touched myself imagining Henry only for him to turn into Nico. I let Nico in my mouth, let him touch me...

"I want to go home" my voice trembled in a whisper.

With another deep breath I pushed away from the counter and strode out of the bathroom door. Only to have a strong hand grip my arm and my heart to began hammering against my ribcage as I gazed up at a pair of intense green eyes.

"What the hell are you still doing here?"

"Kash I- I-"

"How about you stop trying to think of a lie and answer the damn question"


"You know what I don't even care. I know your parents do not know you're here. Some shit is going down and I'm taking you home right now"

Swiftly turning down the hallway Kash dragged me along.

"Kash let go of me!"

"Stop fighting me you'll hurt yourself"

"I don't care! Let me go!"

Just then he yanked me to a stop and pulled me close. Even with my heart racing, my fist balled, my courage was fleeting. His gaze seemed to shrink me and I kept my head bowed unable to meet those intimidating green eyes.

"And I don't care how fun you think this place is. It's dangerous especially for girls like you. If anything you should be thanking me, I'm getting you home before this shit gets any crazier"

Not waiting for a response Kash grabbed ahold of my upper arm. He didn't yank this time or squeeze but simply pulled me along. He had to, between his brisk pace and long strides I would be jogging just to keep up with him if he didn't assist me. It was still crowded inside but Kash weaved through the bodies with ease unfazed by the random clouds of cigarette and marijuana smoke. Nothing was stopping him until a girl stepped into his path, halting Kash to a stop. She was stunning, with bright eyes and pale skin so smooth it reminded me of milk. She was thin, practically skinny but with her tiny head and toned physique she made her tiny frame appealing. With her bright pink hair pulled up into a chic ponytail she casted a devious smirk back at Kash.

"And where do you think you're going?"

The annoyance was practically radiating off of Kash as he gazed back at her.

(Ghidorah) -Book 3 Of DyvercityWhere stories live. Discover now