23- Harsh Truths

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I had time to burn before this so called "party" Nico was talking about

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I had time to burn before this so called "party" Nico was talking about. He had no invitation but gloated about how it wouldn't be an issue to get us in. Since we were on the Eastside I dropped Kamia off at our Uncle Marco's house to hang out with our cousins while I headed to Nick's. Henry was already back up and conscious when I arrived but the damage on his face was even more apparent. Half of his face was so bloated from the swelling that above his eyebrow and underneath the same eye the skin had begun to split open. Blood, trinkled down his face. His bottom lip was badly busted, his already bruised eye was swollen so severely that the skin was black and shining.

Yet I still felt no sympathy.

Henry earned it and got off easy. If Kamia hadn't jumped in, I wouldn't have stopped Lino.

Sitting at the kitchen counter Henry was dressing his wounds and as Nico's friend Bodhi raided the double wide refrigerator. Henry glared at me with his one good eye as I made my way over to him and leaned against the island across from him.

"This shit, between you and Kamia.. it ends right now"

Rolling his eyes Henry huffed, looking away from me removing the bloodied paper towel from around the ice pack then replaced it with another. Putting it back on his face Henry looked back at me.

"And if I say no, then what?"

"That dude Lino already fucked you up, be careful bro. You are talking to little Kamia's big brother" Bodhi chimed in nonchalantly sitting on top of the counter and opening a family size bag of chips.

" Exactly and I doubt anyone in this house could stop me if you force my hand"

" Don't be too sure about that"

A voice chuckled from behind me but I didn't have to turn to know who it belonged to. Nico dropped down into the seat beside Henry.

" Gabe.. I love her.."

"Oh Please" I spat unable to stop myself.

"Gabriel sit down"

"No, fuck that. How many girls have you fucked while you been messing with Ka-"

"Don't even-"


"I know you're pissed but I'm going to need you to chill" Nico interjected coldly

"This doesn't have a fuckin thing to do with you, shut the fuck up"

"Make me shut the fuck up! Please.. give me an excuse"

With a frustrated sigh Henry raised his hand for Nico to stop.

"I do love her Gabe but our situation was fuckin stressful I needed a release every now and then"-

" Besides we don't share any DNA, Kamia isn't my sister "

"Since DNA is so important so I guess we're not brothers then either right"

(Ghidorah) -Book 3 Of DyvercityWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu