38- Lombardi

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The next day

"I don't like this, Mama's gone, Dad's acting super weird and now you're leaving me too"

Looking up at the wide mirror I met Kamia's gaze looking at me in the reflection. I didn't have any real words for her, our family was falling apart like toast in a bathtub. I couldn't handle another broken woman right now. Then my phone vibrated twice more adding the fifty times already today I let out a tired sigh. Pulling out my phone I quickly unlocked it scrolling through the messages barely taking a few seconds to read them.

Letisha- Julian please

Letisha- Baby I love you, how was I supposed to tell you?

Letisha- I don't want to be with Karee, I want you Julian. He forced his way back into my life.

Letisha- I'm so sorry please forgive me

Letisha- He beats me Julian, he's just like his daddy that's why we moved in the first place. He's crazy and I'm scared Julian

Letisha- I know I don't deserve you but I need you Julian please. He's been coming over here everyday and he's not going to stop until he takes me and Jaylen

Letisha- I need you Julian please, if anyone can make him stop it's you

This was an everyday thing, Letisha was constantly begging for me to get her out of her situation with her baby daddy. My hands always shook and I had to stop myself from destroying another wall. Every fiber in my body wanted to run to her, rescue her. Because though Letisha was tough this dude had her scared. It was worse that Letisha couldn't lean on her mother or brother for any kind of help. She was begging me because she knew damn well my feelings for her hadn't gone anywhere.

It was because of her secrecy. I couldn't trust her, over the last month we grew exceptionally close. I've told her things that not even my mama knows. And she never once ever considered telling me that the whole time we've been together that the little dude she was claiming as her brother was actually her son.

It only became worse when she confessed that her baby daddy was out of jail and wanted back into her life. He had been blowing up her phone either wanting to fuck or demanding family time with her and Jaylen.

It was a huge fuckin deal.

I didn't have anyone I could talk to about it. No one who'd understand now with the heavy atmosphere between me and Kaleb it was best that I got away. Even if I was going somewhere I really didn't want to. I wasn't as good as Gabriel when it came to reading people but I knew when someone was lying to my face. And Kaleb was lying about my mom.. and I would be lying if it didn't make me want to fuck him up. Kaleb always had so much more integrity than my biological father but after the news of Uncle Ellis's death it was like he turned into a different person over night.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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