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Almost tied up like a mouse biscuit, Shu Shuishui, being slow on the uptake, wondered if he had exposed himself. However, as a male dormouse who had just obtained his driver’s license, Shu Shuishui believed that fastening the seat belt was an essential part of the journey, especially since every time he rode in Shu Bao’s car back on Earth, he would be reminded multiple times to buckle up. Of course, Shu Bao’s car had specially designed seat belts, which were not present in the current vehicle.

Unaware of the consequences of revealing his intelligence, Shu Shuishui became more obedient in the following moments, occasionally scratching his head with his claws or slightly adjusting the position of the seat belt. After all, it was uncomfortable to be constantly constrained in one place.

However, when Shu Shuishui discreetly adjusted the seat belt for the third time, Gu Langgu extended a hand and effortlessly unfastened the seat belt on the passenger side.

“You don’t have to wear a seat belt,” the voice sounded unique, and clean, with a sense of accumulated years and a calmness that didn’t resemble someone who had just killed without hesitation.

undefinedShu Shuishui’s little ears trembled, thinking it would be a waste if such a pleasant voice didn’t sing “Seaweed Dance” to him.

Fortunately, Gu Langgu, who was driving, had no idea what Shu Shuishui was thinking, otherwise, he would have exploded on the spot.

In the long night, Shu Shuishui leaned against the passenger seat with his two short legs, occasionally nodding off, but stubbornly refusing to fall into a deep sleep, as he remembered the uncertain situation.

Gu Langgu watched the sleepy pet on the passenger seat, constantly nodding and occasionally tilting its body to the side to correct its posture. Suddenly, he felt that he should also sleep, although he didn’t know what fatigue and drowsiness were. These bodily reactions, like weaknesses, had long been discarded. For Gu Langgu, there was only dormancy, not rest.

The speed of the car gradually slowed down and eventually came to a halt in the sand sea.

Due to the slight inertia of the car, Shu Shuishui finally fell onto the passenger seat with a thud. This time, he didn’t force himself to sit upright but rolled over and fell into a deep sleep within seconds.

Gu Langgu quietly watched the little life on the passenger seat. An unprecedented sense of curiosity filled him, and curiosity is often the key that unlocks desire. Yet, Gu Langgu lacked this key.

The reason Gu Langgu was abandoned by the Gu family ultimately stemmed from the fact that Gu Langgu was merely an emotionless machine. Outside the battlefield, he was not even as competent as a domestic robot. At least a domestic robot knew how to take out the trash, but Gu Langgu knew nothing, or rather, he had no desire for anything.

Gu Langgu’s brain contained abundant knowledge of various kinds, but it was useless because Gu Langgu had no desire to utilize it. After leaving the battlefield, the Gu family realized that although they had created a perfect killing machine, they had failed to develop a competent heir. Now, this perfect machine was slowly evolving in an uncontrollable direction. What can you use to control a person without desire?

The Gu family had tried various ways to rekindle Gu Langgu’s desire. Although Gu Langgu was a semi-mechanical being, he possessed everything a human did, which means that as long as his human instincts were triggered, Gu Langgu could undergo self-evolution, no different from a human. However, they could never find the key. Gu Langgu had no desires, including the desire to evolve.

After numerous attempts that ended in failure and under pressure from the Galactic Alliance, the Gu family decided to abandon Gu Langgu. In their eyes, Gu Langgu was a failed product, a failure that couldn’t evolve on its own. After leaving the battlefield, Gu Langgu became nothing but a tasteless and insignificant existence.

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