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Which is better, wings or antennae? This heartbreaking question didn’t occupy much of Yu Jin’s thoughts, nor did he delve into it further. After all, Shu Shuishui doesn’t eat grasshoppers every day; such luxurious treats are rare. Yu Jin comforted himself, thinking that without probing, there wouldn’t be any worse possibilities.

“Why does that kid Xie Feng also get to eat grasshoppers if the boss only has one grasshopper leg? Is it because of his flattery skills?” Thinking of Xie Feng, Yu Jin felt the urge to teach him a lesson.

Nan Ge thought of Xie Feng’s tired face and bloodshot eyes, and the answer became evident. “Shui Shui never makes a losing deal.”

Nan Ge didn’t mention the likelihood that Xie Feng was staying up late, which weakened his body, just like Nan Ge himself when he was injured. He received special care from Shu Shuishui, and inexplicably, he became the little sweetheart. Why did a little field mouse like him become so favored?

Ye Jin asked, “Nan Ge, are you saying that Shui Shui believes Xie Feng will come up with some achievements?” After much consideration, Ye Jin felt this answer was plausible.

Nan Ge had thought about this question, but he wasn’t familiar with Xie Feng’s abilities, and Shu Shuishui’s micro-farms were entirely new to him. Nan Ge believed that this matter would depend on fate. Nevertheless, to console Ye Jin, who was feeling overwhelmed, Nan Ge nodded. “Hmm.”

In reality, Nan Ge’s answer was a fortunate guess. If Shu Shuishui hadn’t met Xie Feng, his micro-farms would indeed be rare treasures. But, due to a twist of fate, Shu Shuishui encountered a scientific prodigy. This unexpected encounter had a vastly different impact on the world’s development.

Xie Feng was a genius with outstanding talents in scientific advancement, and he was ranked among the top in the Canghai Galaxy. Unfortunately, before he had the chance to fully demonstrate his abilities, he was exiled to the Cang Zhan Star for illegally accessing confidential data related to the invasion.

Xie Feng’s persistence in scientific research oddly reminded Shu Shuishui of his previous companion, Shu Bao, who was obsessed with the technological network. This was also one of the reasons why he decided to share the grasshopper legs.

At this moment, in the caravan, Shu Shuishui’s efforts to transform his farms were temporarily on hold. He discovered that the spiritual stones in his spiritual storage were running low. He had no choice but to set up purification arrays, where he stacked dozens of top-grade energy stones. The purification process would take about two days.

Xie Feng, upon seeing this, immediately developed a strong interest in the purification array. In fact, Xie Feng was curious about everything unknown. In his eyes, everything was a subject of interest.

Shu Shuishui finished setting up the array and walked around his farms before harvesting a batch of chives. The wheat had already turned yellow, and it would take about an hour before he could harvest it.

The three large flowerpots had been moved into the RV at noon, along with Shu Shuishui’s farms. If everything went well, Shu Shuishui’s future journey would be spent comfortably inside the RV.

Gu Langu had snuck into Shu Shuishui’s vehicle and resumed his role as the driver.

“Why did you come to the Cang Zhan Star, Xiao Feng?” Shu Shuishui had an air of formality as he wore a straw hat while tending to his farms. At the same time, he chatted with Xie Feng, as the sociable dormouse naturally wanted to get to know his companions better.

“I invaded the system of the Galactic Alliance. It seems I was researching some information related to the Xian Ge Star in the Canghai Galaxy. But unfortunately, just as I started reading, I was traced and subsequently exiled here,” Xie Feng explained with a hint of grievance. Being locked out before accessing crucial information and being exiled for life felt quite unfair to him.

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