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Even though the little kitten was small, it was still bigger than Shu Shuishui. In order to prevent the kitten from dragging on the ground, Shu Shuishui made an effort to tilt his head upwards, his gaze fixed at a forty-five-degree angle to the sky, using his peripheral vision to look ahead.

Fortunately, the terrain of this green expanse was relatively gentle, without any rough or challenging parts. Shu Shuishui’s journey was reasonably smooth, at least he didn’t trip over, but his body was definitely unstable. His little body wobbled, resembling someone who had drunk too much. He alternated between fast and slow, and sometimes his head, heavy with his brain, would suddenly tilt to one side.

However, Shu Shuishui always kept in mind that he was carrying Gu Langu in his mouth. Despite the difficulty of walking, he never let the little kitten touch the ground. The all-black little kitten was very well-behaved, seemingly understanding the challenges Shu Shuishui was facing. Even though this posture wasn’t exactly comfortable, it didn’t struggle. Occasionally, it would emit weak meows as if comforting Shu Shuishui.

While Shu Shuishui was earnestly holding his head up and moving toward the residence he envisioned, he recalled that to the south of the lake, there was a pile of green stones that provided shelter from the wind and ample sunlight. Just as he was thinking this, his raised hind leg encountered resistance – it turned out to be entangled by grass.

Shu Shuishui maintained his forward motion, lifting his hind legs and trying to free himself from the entangled grass. However, after two unsuccessful attempts, Shu Shuishui had no choice but to slowly lower his head and gently place the little kitten on the ground before looking at his own feet.

The grass had formed a knot, trapping Shu Shuishui. Using his claws, Shu Shuishui untangled the grass and was about to continue walking when he suddenly heard faint chirping sounds, like bird calls.

Shu Shuishui pushed aside the grass and took a couple of steps, then came across a chubby gray baby bird. Shu Shuishui wasn’t sure about its species, but it looked very fluffy. The bird seemed to be freshly hatched, with soft feathers on its tiny wings.

“Perfect! A source of warmth for Gy Gu!” Shu Shuishui’s eyes lit up, and he hurried over to the chubby baby bird. Seeing the small size of the bird, Shu Shuishui abandoned the idea of plucking its feathers. Instead, he decided to pick up the chubby bird along with Gu Gu.

Due to his slender body, Shu Shuishui could only make two trips, unable to carry both fluffy creatures at once. Shu Shuishui patted the chirping baby bird’s head and said, “Little warm baby, wait for me here. I’ll come back for you.”

The fluffy bird’s chirping paused, unsure if it understood. Regardless, Shu Shuishui didn’t waste any time and turned around, picking up the little kitten from the ground and continuing on the journey.

Not long after, Shu Shuishui reached his destination – a concave arrangement of green stones. The hollow faced southward, perfectly shielding it from the northern winds. The space wasn’t very roomy; the humanoid figure of Gu Langu wouldn’t fit inside. But now…

Shu Shuishui took out his own little nest from his spiritual storage. He also found a few pure cotton handkerchiefs to line the bottom with, though unfortunately, all the feathers had been used up when making the tent. Shu Shuishui even spread the few makeup cotton pads he had used for wiping his face. After arranging them, he covered the nest with another layer of handkerchiefs.

Climbing in himself, Shu Shuishui stomped around, smoothing out any uneven spots. Satisfied with the nest’s softness and comfort, Shu Shuishui crawled out, then picked up Gu Langu and carefully pushed Gu Langu into the nest.

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